This is the simple and delicious method of sweet and sour ridge, crispy and tender outside, sweet and sour appetizer, fast learning

Author:Nanning Food Time:2022.09.25

Sweet and sour ridge is a home -cooked dish that many people love, especially loved by children. Many families with children have to make sweet and sour spine for children to eat almost every other time.

The spine of sweet and sour is red and bright, very appetite, sweet and appetizing, crispy and tender outside, not only the children who eat them, but also very satisfied with adults.

However, although some people like to eat sweet and sour spine, they do n’t do well.

But as long as you master the skills, you can make very delicious sweet and sour spine. So what are the skills when making sweet and sour spine? Let's take a look today.

1. Use fresh lip meat

Making sweet and sour ridge must be used with end meat, and it is best to use small pheasant meat. This is the tendence part of the pig's body. It is used to make sweet and sour spine, which will make the sweet and sour spine more smooth.

In addition, when buying, you must choose fresh tilted meat. The fresh lipstick meat is rosy and elastic. Although it smells the meaty smell, it will not make people feel smelly.

If these conditions do not meet, then this lipstick is a long -stained lip meat, it is best not to buy.

In addition, in general, we are all made with pork tenderloin, but in fact, the bulls and sheep are also available.

If the lipstick is sold out, you can also choose lean meat, but do not use pork with fat.

2. Treatment of lipstick

After buying the linsei meat, clean it, remove the excess fascia on the surface of the meat, and the taste will be better.

Then cut into 1 cm thick long strips, don't cut too thin, and don't cut too thick.

Too thick is easy to cause the lipstick meat to taste, and too thin will make the cooker made of the linoleum particularly broken and not shaped.

3. Pickled

After cutting, marinate the spine. Pickling can remove the fishy smell of the lipstick. At the same time, it can make the polyck meat early and make the lipsticks more tender.

When marinating, you can add a little green onion and ginger water. Onion and ginger water can be freshly fresh to the lipstick. At the same time, the fishy smell of the linsei meat can be removed. It can also supplement the water to the linseh meat to make the linsen meat tender.

You can also add a little egg, starch, raw soy sauce, salt, cooking wine, cooking wine can be further removed to the spine meat.

Eggs and starch can lock the moisture of the spine to avoid the loss of water from the spine and the taste of firewood.

At the same time, when frying the spine in the later period, the surface of the end can be more crispy, and it can also avoid the end of the ridge. Therefore, starch and eggs must be indispensable.

4. Make sweet and sour juice

The most important thing for sweet and sour ridge is sweet and sour juice. Sweet and sour juice is made well, and sweet and sour spine will be sweet and sour.

If you want to make sweet and sour juice, you must remember the "12345" formula, that is, you need to use one spoonful of starch, two spoons of vinegar, three spoons of sugar, four spoons of tomato sauce, and five spoons of water.

After mixing them together, they can make very perfect sweet and sour jackets.

5. Fried twice

Sweet and sour ridge must be fried when you want to make the texture of the outer crispy and tender, and need to be fried twice.

When the first frying, the oil temperature requires 60 % heat, that is, insert it into the oil with chopsticks, and when you can see some small bubbles, you can put the linsei into the pot and fry it.

When you fry, remember to put them in one by one to prevent the spine sticky. After the end of the end becomes slightly yellow, remove the oil.

When the oil temperature is burned to 70 % hot, put the lip meat in, wait for the color to be slightly deeper.

The reason why it needs to be fried twice is because the first time is to set the linsei meat, and the second time is to explode the crispy skin and make the sweet and sour spine taste crispy and tender.

6. Stir -fried vinegar and spine

After the sweet and sour spine is fried twice, don't put it for too long. Putting too long for a long time is easy to soften. We better leave a little base oil in the pan and then add sweet and sour juice.

After the sweet and sour juice becomes sticky, go down into the lip spine and stir fry quickly, and then sprinkle a little cooked sesame and green onion.

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