Sanfu Tian, I would rather eat less chicken and pork, and eat more dishes, decompose appetite, always eat it

Author:Xiao Wei Yangsheng Kitchen Time:2022.07.07

Sanfu Tian is coming soon. After the summer heat, it is about to enter. This marks the arrival of the hot summer. It is the hottest time of the year. Many southern regions are burned by the sun, which is uncomfortable. Our physical strength and energy consumption is a lot, the spleen and stomach function is reduced, and the appetite has also been affected. After many people enter, they are unwilling to go away, because walking a little, that is, the body is very losing, making you sweat and lack a lot of nutrients. At this time, you ca n’t eat too greasy ingredients. You need to adjust your diet. Pay attention to supplementing nutrition appropriately, especially if you have children at home, do n’t delay your child's body. Today, I share a food that the southerner loves -dolls and mushroom tofu pots. The mushrooms are particularly delicious, the color is particularly seductive, and it tastes too greedy. Sanfu Tian, ​​I would rather eat less chicken and pork, and eat more dishes.

[Details of doll vegetable mushroom tofu pot]

Ingredients: Choose a baby dish, buy 100 grams of seafood mushrooms (or choose crab -flavored mushrooms or shiitake mushrooms, the mushrooms are very tender and delicious, it is a must -have for this dish), a few Xiaomi spicy, 200 grams of high -quality tofu tofu (It is recommended to choose old tofu, tender tofu is easy to break, old tofu is easier to form, suitable for braised and fried), 25 grams of black fungus, several edible oils, several garlic, two high -quality ham sausages (be sure to buy pork intestine Or chicken intestine, it is not recommended to buy starch sausage), a little water, a few shallots, two spoons of raw soy sauce, one spoon of oyster sauce, half a spoonful of old soy sauce, a small bowl of water starch, half a spoonful of chicken essence, a little salt, other condiments.

Detailed cooking order:

Step 1: Select some mushrooms and side dishes. Tofu drift with water for a while, and the tofu is cut into several slices. Remember to control the water.

Step 2: The seafood mushrooms cut off the roots and repeatedly clean it. The seafood mushrooms can be soaked in salt water to remove the odor and dirt of the mushrooms.

Step 3: Cut off the root of the doll, clean the leaves of the doll, cut into several small pieces, control the water, and cut the ham sausage into slices.

Step 4: Black fungus soaks with warm water for a while, cut off the black root, scald with hot water in advance, remove the dirty east and west of the black fungus, and wash and drain the water.

Step 5: Put some garlic into thin pens, cut ginger into fines, cut millet peppers and green onions into small segments, prepare some ingredients above, and start cooking this baby mushroom mushroom tofu pot.

Step 6: Add a little cooking oil to the bottom of the pot, spread the tofu pieces on the bottom of the pot, fry the medium and small heat until the two sides are golden, and give it out for later use.

Step 7: Leave a little oil at the bottom of the pot, add some minced garlic and ginger, add some seafood mushrooms to fry until softened, add some baby vegetables, ham sausages and black fungus, and quickly stir for a while.

Step 8: Add a spoonful of raw soy sauce, half a spoonful of old soy sauce, add a spoonful of oyster sauce, put in cooked tofu pieces, add a small bowl of water starch, cover with a pot and simmer.

Step 9: Add a loss of salt and sugar, plus some millet peppers and green onions, continue to simmer for 30 seconds, collect the juice, out of the pan, this baby vegetable mushroom tofu pot is ready.

Doll -vegetable mushroom tofu pot is a very relieved meal. The mushrooms are very tender. It is very tender with ham and intestines and tofu. The soup is particularly thick. It is good with rice with rice. Essence

Do you master the practice of this baby mushroom tofu pot? (All pictures are from the Internet)

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