China Computing Power Network Intelligent Becoming Network is online

Author:Guangming Daily client Time:2022.06.18

A few days ago, at the 2022 of the Huawei Partner and Developer Conference, Deng Taihua, Vice President of Huawei and President of Computing Product Line, announced that China Computing Power Network Intelligence Network was officially launched.

According to reports, China Computing Power Network is the computing power network plan promoted under the guidance of relevant national ministries and commissions. The plan proposes the development vision of "building a national computing power network like building a power grid and operating an operational power network like an Internet, allowing users to use computing power services like electricity".

The Intelligent Comegrated Network is one of the core sectors of the first phase of the China Computing Power Network. It marks that the comprehensive development of the China Computing Power Network plan is a key step in the construction of China's computing power network. In the future, the local intellectual centers, supercomputing centers, and "east counting and western calculations" hub nodes can be merged into China Computing Power Network to form a unified computing power market that supports the development of the digital economy.

Mei Jianping, deputy director of the Department of High -tech Department of the Ministry of Science and Technology, said that it is expected that the National Supercomputing Center and the Artificial Intelligence Computing Center will realize interconnection through high -speed interconnection networks, and build resources for convenient access, unified tasks, users are convenient to use, and have available available users. The national computing power infrastructure that continues to develop operation models and mechanisms, realize data, computing power, algorithms, models, services and other factors sharing and circulation, becoming a solid base that supports the rapid development of my country's digital economy, and driving my country's independent innovation network technology to fast fast network technology rapidly develop.

The relevant person in charge of Huawei said that Huawei always adhered to the ecological strategy of "hardware openness, software open source, enable partners, and development talents". For various industries, Huawei has established a series of legions to build industry solutions and promote the digital transformation and intelligent upgrade of the industry.

At the meeting, Huawei explained the new architecture of the industry's digital intelligent transformation, and faced with smart cities, smart finance, smart highways, smart power, and smart coal mines, and launched urban intelligent hub, financial artificial intelligence integration platform, highway artificial intelligence integration provisions Energy platform, power artificial intelligence integration empowerment platform, mining artificial intelligence computing center and other industries such as digital intelligence solutions. It is reported that in the next three years, Huawei also plans to develop thousands of partners, 6 million developers, etc., and comprehensively accelerate the calculation of the industrial ecological development.

(Guangming Daily All Media Reporter Liu Kun)

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