Children's smart watch hiding risks multi -tube of the "wrist security"

Author:Jining News Network Time:2022.08.30

Can take pictures, position, and call ... In recent years, children's smart watches have won the favor of more and more minor students. During the summer vacation, children's smart watches of major brands have once again entered the sales peak.

However, the rapidly growing market of children's smart watches is frequent. The problems such as information leakage and non -secret payment are potential threats to the safety of minors.

Children's smart watches are not just watches

"Touch a watch, add a friend!" Now, this sentence has greeted many children during social communication. Former children's watches can only provide some simple functions such as positioning and emergency communication contact. Nowadays, after many years of iterative upgrades, children's smart watches are novel and fashionable, and hardware configuration and functions are becoming stronger and stronger. Children's smart watches are not like traditional watches, but more like a "smartphone" worn on positioning, calling, social, entertainment, learning, shopping, photo search questions. And due to the appearance of its watch, wearing children's smart watches can often bypass the provisions of "primary and secondary students must not bring mobile phones into campus". Therefore, children's smart watches are highly respected by primary and secondary school students.

Behind the booming children's smart watch market, chaos is also breeding. The reporter's investigation found that there are hundreds of applications (APPs) that can be downloaded in some children's watches, of which there are many gaming apps. Download these all kinds of apps can easily cause children to add to it, which not only delay learning and affects vision.

Among them, once some apps are bound to the mobile phone number, they will open a secret payment simultaneously. When parents do not know, children can consume freely, including shopping, opening platform VIP services, buying game skin, etc., which greatly affects the safety of family funds.

Public statistics show that in the past 10 years, the population of children under 14 years of age has remained at about 250 million people. These people are potential users of children's smart watches. With the release of the "three -child policy", the number of children under the age of 14 may rise further, and the potential users of children's smart watches are still increasing. According to statistics from relevant agencies, in recent years, children's watches have maintained rapid growth. In 2020, its sales have reached 29.9 million pieces.

Information leakage is greatly harmful to user security

This year's CCTV's "3.15" party exposed many information security vulnerabilities of children's watches. After installation, some apps in children's watches can obtain various sensitive permissions such as positioning, address book, microphone, and camera without user authorization, so as to easily obtain personal privacy information such as children's position, face image, and recording.

According to reports, the "3.15" information security laboratory launched a special test for a children's smart watch with a "100,000+" sales record of the e -commerce platform. The tester disguised a two -dimensional code for a malicious program as a lottery game. After the child scanned the code through this watch, the malicious program was easily settled into the watch. Engineers can achieve remote control of this watch, collect location information, monitor call records, voyeur videos and other operations.

The root cause of the leakage of children's smart watch information is that the operating system is too old. The report pointed out that this watch uses the Android 4.4 operating system without any permission management requirements. Due to the backwardness of the operating system, what permissions apply for the APP, the system will give the APP permissions without any notification to the user. Under this system, APP can obtain multiple sensitive permissions without user authorization. Watch manufacturers choose a low version of the operating system to compress the cost and ignore security measures, and the risks brought to children are endless.

Cheap children's watches are the "severe disaster -stricken areas" of information security. Science and Technology Daily reporter searched on an e -commerce platform and found that the price of telephone watch on sale ranging from 35 yuan to 3600 yuan. There are big brands such as "small genius", "Huawei", "360", as well as many small brands. Essence

In addition, many children's smart watches lack supervision and screening on APP, and users can easily search for bad content such as pornography and violence. Some platforms also have problems such as induced consumption and push advertisements.

Solving chaos should rely on his law and self -discipline

In April this year, the General Administration of Market Supervision released a recommended national standard GB/T41411-2022 "Children's Watch". The standard will be implemented on November 1 this year. As the first national standard for children's watches, this standard covers key quality and performance indicators such as positioning performance, calling, electromagnetic radiation, and information security of children's watches, and proposed relevant evaluation and testing methods.

On July 18, the Central Cyberspace Office and other departments will organize a two -month special operation to focus on short video live broadcasts, social, learning APPs, online games, e -commerce, children's smart devices, etc. with high frequency of minors. Platform, focus on solving the chaos involving minors. This activity strengthens the information content management of smart equipment such as smart watches, smart speakers, tablets, early education stories machines that specializes in minors, and in -depth investigation of voices, videos, text, pictures, games and other scenarios to comprehensively clean up illegal bad badness. information.

In an interview with the media, Major General Ding said in an interview with the media of industrial economic analysts: "Children's intelligent hardware, security must be the foundation, including the safety of the hardware itself and the safety of content. On the one hand, manufacturers need to be in functional development and commercial monetization Restraint and self -discipline to ensure that the safety bottom line is not broken; on the other hand, the relevant national parties can set the standards of refined access, especially the content review should be more harsh Development. "Children's watches manufacturing, sales and other related industries have called for the effective and operable specific measures and experiences in the process of special operations to summarize and improve, and build a standardized, institutionalized and long -term institutional mechanism. For example, on the basis of strict implementation of laws and regulations such as the Protection Law of the Minor, set up industry access standards for the security of children's intelligent hardware, and further clarify the legal responsibilities of children's watch manufacturers and software developers and the supervision responsibilities of relevant departments. Incorporate all links such as the production, sales, and use of children's watches into normal supervision, and return the children to a clear environment.

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