The one -gram -business review 丨 East selection and upgrading logistics, opening up and enhanced the complete supply chain operations is imminent

Author:Cover news Time:2022.08.31

Oriental selection announced the logistics upgrade: Introducing the two major partners of SF Logistics and JD Logistics

On August 31, the East Selection announced that it reached a close partnership with SF Logistics and JD Logistics. In five cities in Beijing, Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Zhengzhou, and Chengdu, they planned to establish 20 self -operated product warehouses to provide self -operated products with oriented products for facing self -operated products. Logistics services nationwide. In terms of SF Logistics, Dongfang's selection of self -operated products often shipped the goods, which has basically covered the country. Frozen logistics is centered on each warehouse and covers the surrounding areas. In terms of JD Logistics, Oriental selection of the same city orders for self -operated products can achieve the same day or the next day, and the inter -provincial order commitment is delivered for 72 hours.

Wall Street Fat Cat: Eastern selection with SF and is inevitable for development. The end of the e -commerce development is the competition of the supply chain. Logistics is a link that must not be ignored. Oriental selection chose SF and, the top two in the ranking industry, obviously wanted to take advantage of the user experience. The e -commerce "people, goods, and fields" have also been solved, and the most practical and most difficult problem for the selection of the East. It is imminent to open up and enhance the complete supply chain operations.

Huawei taxis will expand nationwide, and is negotiating to access the full amount of T3 travel

On August 31, it was reported that Huawei ’s taxi platform Petal, launched in July this year, is planning a new expansion plan. Following a few cities such as Beijing, Shenzhen, and Nanjing, the Petal Travel Program entered the national market and is currently negotiating with T3 travel full access.

Feng Qingyang: Huawei entered the online car rental market because it did not provide capacity but adopted the aggregation mode. This is also the earliest practice of Gao Yan and Meituan's earlier to enter the Internet car industry. However, it is obvious that Huawei has greater ambitions. Just as Hongmeng OS has its own differentiation function, Huawei's Petal map is required to build an ecology, and more users and service support are also required, and aggregating taxi applications are the most important parts. If Huawei eventually achieves cooperation with T3 travel, the fields of cooperation between the two parties may not only be online car rental, but may even design services such as new energy vehicles and autonomous driving.

Ctrip: The order volume increases by 137%compared with the Dragon Boat Festival. It is expected to become a small holiday in the Mid -Autumn Festival.

On August 31, Ctrip's "Mid -Autumn Festival and Autumn Tour Data Report 2022" showed that since the inflection point in the long -range tourism market in the Dragon Boat Festival, the domestic tourism market has maintained local and surrounding tourism to accelerate the recovery, and the long -term tourism enterprise has risen. As of August 30, the Mid -Autumn Festival holiday orders compared to the same period of the Dragon Boat Festival by 137%. Among them, the transportation category led the pace of growth. The number of air tickets and train ticket orders increased by nearly two or 5 times, respectively. 453%and 525%, hotels and car rental have doubled more than doubled. Mid -Autumn Festival is expected to become the best holiday in the tourism market this year.

Casa: This year, the tourism market has basically did not break the curse of multiple epidemic prevention and control in the major vacation. For Ctrip, the recovery of surrounding tourism and group tours is very important for the pulling effect of the platform. And under the influence of the environment, the competition in the industry has not slowed down. Last year, Xiaohongshu became the first entrance to consumer tourism decision -making. The content of the tourism community content was far from the content of the content. In the past, Xiaohongshu, who only took tourism as the import of traffic, extended his hands to an offline experience. If you want to do the role of the upper reaches of the tourism industry chain, the advantage of holding traffic can be shortened to the conversion link, which cannot be underestimated. However, Ctrip for so many years, it is still a relatively complete industrial chain and supporting services. In terms of content, there are obvious efforts represented by the planet. From this point of view, the barriers can not be overcome overnight.

Tencent Music and Billboard reached in -depth strategic cooperation


On August 31, Tencent Music Entertainment Group (TME) and the music content platform Billboard jointly announced that the two parties officially reached in -depth strategic cooperation and will launch the first Chinese music gravity plan for international development of China. TME will also introduce international music culture content such as QQ Music, Cool Dog Music, Cool Music and National K Songs, and other platforms such as Billboard, global music information and professional music recommendations.

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