3 million fan bloggers, sold 600 yuan

Author:Everyone is a product manager Time:2022.09.01

Now it is said that the live broadcast is very profitable. Is this really the case? In Douyin and headlines, there are 3.1 million fans' head knowledge bloggers. How much do you think can you make in a year? This article analyzes the income of a goods with a goods. Let's take a look if you are interested.

In Douyin and headlines, there are 3.1 million fans' head knowledge bloggers. How much do you think can you make in a year?

Fifty -five, one million, or 10 million?

According to a conventional understanding, a Douyin Blog has 3 million fans, from advertising to selling goods. It is very common to sell tens of millions a year.

However, this account we shared today is still losing money.

One, 3 million fans, the popular popular blogger is difficult to make money

There are many types of bloggers on Douyin, three, rural areas, clothing, beauty, funny, sports, tourism, etc. Many bloggers can earn more than one million by advertising.

But there is only one type of bloggers who are unusual difficulties -popular science bloggers.

Popular science bloggers can be divided into a type of knowledge blogger, and the content output is based on various common, uncommon social phenomena and knowledge.

This content seems monotonous, but with the exposure of Douyin, there are a lot of audience love.

For example, what is the Dadar effect, the development history of human underwear, what is the extended hybrid, why the volcano eruption, how satellite positions, etc.

The blogger will share some classic knowledge, and will keep up with hot spots and share some of the latest news topics.

For example, the Sanyi blogger took 500 videos, the average playback volume of each video was played, and the fans were 3.1 million, and the data was very dazzling.

However, according to Dr. Sanyi himself, the monthly real income is only 100,000, and the highest month this year is only 140,000.

It seems that the income of 2 million yuan a year can be counted as the cost of personnel, venue, and currently posted it every month.

Two, 3 million knowledge bloggers, sell cockroach medicine to realize

Because of the lack of advertising revenue and video playback income, Dr. Sanyi had to borrow the names of science science in his own video to sell cockroach medicines, globe and other products.

But whether it is sales or income, it is not too ideal. After all, it is necessary to sell hundreds of thousands of orders.

The other Dr. Sanyi has three million fans, but when there are live broadcasts, the number of viewers does not exceed 100, hey!

In fact, it is not only Dr. Sanyi. In Douyin, there is a big V Lukewin with 3 million fans. He only sold 600 yuan for an hour.

It can be seen that it is not a simple matter to make a knowledge blogger to make money, whether it is advertising or selling goods.

So the question is, why are there many popular bloggers in popular science, but it is so difficult to make money?

Third, knowledge bloggers have realized four difficulties

1. Insufficient training for paid habits

For bloggers who do popular science types, most of the content is sharing knowledge and phenomena, and there are almost no product exposure.

The image of the blogger himself to fans and users is also conveying knowledge, not to sell goods.

Just like a small supermarket on the street and a barber shop. Suddenly one day the barber shop began to sell. The user was very strange and questioned.

2. Advertising monetization is not accurate

Popular science accounts or some financial accounts are too messy.

E -commerce, finance, humanities, history, technology, etc. will talk about it, but this account advertiser does not like it.

Because the advertisers have made advertisements, the crowd is not accurate enough, and the consumption power is insufficient, which is equivalent to drifting water.

Financial bloggers are strange to pick up e -commerce advertisements, beauty advertisements, and video ads.

If it is not a big V with a super influence, it is difficult to receive advertisements.

3. Sales products are not suitable

The popular science blogger's content has no direction, so users will suspect that most physical products will be suspected.

Because there are many bloggers in vertical fields, they have more professional understanding and use of products than them.

In addition, there are many merchants shooting videos and making live broadcasts themselves.

As I just said, a popular popular blogger recommends cockroach medicine, shampoo, etc., and the user's willingness to consume must be very low.

4. Insufficient live broadcast preparation

Another important reason is that many bloggers and their teams may understand the production of content, but they are still vague about how to do live broadcasts.

For example, how to live broadcast, how to preheat, what products are selected, what price, what set meals, or welfare, etc.

The live broadcast is not like publishing videos, because there are fans, as long as there are fans to place an order.

Some fans look at your content and some fans placed orders to buy things.

Fourth, knowledge blogger monetization means

So how should you realize these popular popular bloggers and knowledge bloggers?

1. Selling member

Popular science bloggers and financial bloggers convey and analyze various social phenomena to users with their unique views and clear thinking, which is enlightening for many people.

Then recruiting readers by paying members is a better way to share the transformation of payment content reading through free content.

If the platform itself does not support, the user is diversified to other platforms to monetize.

2. Selling course

The reason why users pay attention to you is because the content you say makes sense, has its own point of view, and inspire some people.

Therefore, doing curriculum is a smooth monetization method, which may explain a certain history, a certain management knowledge, a certain IP operation method, and so on.

3. Selling books

Let's take a look at the relatively large knowledge bloggers such as Wu Xiaobo, Luo Fat, etc., and the sales of paper books, e -books, and columns still account for a large part.

Including Lukewin also has his own reading club, but it is not possible to sell books, but it still has to be related to his content positioning.

It is definitely inappropriate for you to sell your mother and baby books.

In addition, some bloggers will sell their own services, training camps, etc., but from the personal experience of the village chief, selling community members and training courses are the most important means of monetization.

Some bloggers who depend on the short video platform can also earn subsidies for short video traffic of the platform by the way.

However, it is difficult to bring the goods in pure goods, and the conversion rate will be very poor. Even the emotional nicknames like Mimon used to be more soft text advertisements.


Shili Village, WeChat public account: Shilipxl, everyone is a product manager columnist. Occasionally share life, pay attention to e -commerce, technology, new things.

The original published in this article is a product manager, and reprinting is prohibited without permission.

The question map is from UNSPLASH, based on the CC0 protocol.

The point of view of this article only represents the author himself, and everyone is the product manager platform that only provides information storage space services.

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