After 00 as an e -commerce company, did you make money?

Author:Everyone is a product manager Time:2022.09.06

Every year, the number of college students has reached a new high, but the recruitment market is cold every year. Some of these young people choose to give up working and open a shop on Taobao, and become their own boss. The author of this article interviewed several online stores and shared their stories. Let's take a look.

After the 00s came out, they created a lot of classic scenes.

The current workplace seems to be slightly restrained for the post -00s. The prevailing overtime culture, wine table culture and workplace hidden rules were all broken. Challenging the rules of the workplace may be the first thing they did after they first entered the society. After the 00s of the livestock life of the society, it seemed to have a new understanding of society.

The newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, maybe it is the typical feature of the post -00s. Emerging occupations such as Taobao shop owner, station B UP owner, live broadcast and cargo are respected by young people. The research data from the China Youth Daily shows that the choice of occupation after 00 is diversified. Employment, 90 % are developing or trying to do sideline.

Among them, young people who tried to start a business in Taobao have increased day by day. From clothing to cultural and creative, from jewelry to home, young people try to open a new era after 00. Related data show that the total number of businesses in the post -90s and post -90s of Taobao has a total of 4 million. Among them, the number of businesses after 00s is close to 1 million.

But this group of post -00 Taobao shop owners will have dreams and distant places after suffering and failure?

1. From the main business to the sideline, the worker is still a worker

Many post -00s entered the Taobao world full of fantasy with lofty ideals, but most of them left in the end.

At first, it may be because of the huge traffic and vast market owned by Taobao, and it may be because of the low -risk estimates in the online market, but in any case, after 00 Taobao entrepreneurship. Although it is expected to encounter many difficulties and challenges, it is also expected that it may end in failure, but the difficulty of the process is still unavailable.

Zhou Ming's original intention to make Taobao is nothing more than making money, but he has no industry experience just after graduating. Fortunately, there are a large number of courses and templates to learn. Taobao stores has a mature system, so the first expenditure of Zhou Ming's store is to buy lessons.

What made Zhou Ming did not expect that the store had not yet been formed, and the study courses spent a lot of effort. Study, I was really bald at that time, but I didn't expect the first step to almost pass. "

The beginning of Wanshu seems to be inaccurate in opening a Taobao shop, because the more difficult it is.

The process of specific practice is more complicated, and Zhou Ming is facing many difficulties and challenges. For example, the process of determining the selection is quite cumbersome. In the early stage, it is necessary to compare the data of the user, observe the user's search volume, and then select the so -called "buy more people and sell less people" according to the blue sea words. , Source, warranty, and courier timeliness are conducted and studied.

Zhou Ming's final shelves are luggage and pockets, but there is no traffic. Even if the core words, attribute words, hot search words, and background data of the title are constantly optimizing the title, it is not available. Since natural traffic is lacking, it can only be used to attract traffic. "A shop can create a explosive product to drive the entire shop. Of course, explosive products must be promoted in all aspects, but other products must be promoted. Pull the hoe directly. "

Promotion is synonymous with burning money. The expenditure expenditure is much higher than the earnings of profit. Without a long time, Zhou Ming gave up to continue the recharge. No promotion means that there is no transformation of traffic, and it is basically difficult to achieve large -scale profit relying on natural traffic. This made Zhou Ming feel sighed, "There will be traffic, there will be traffic, orders, and transformations, but once they stop, nothing will be burned out. It is really difficult to burn money. Losing money for a day. "

As we all know, the most important thing for e -commerce is the exposure and conversion rate, and it is not easy to sell orders without publicity and promotion. The exposure and conversion rate requires a lot of cost expenses. This is a contest of risk and opportunities for individual businesses, but the final result cannot be predicted.

Although the store is still there, Zhou Ming hasn't controlled it for a long time, and let him go for self -destruction. Zhou Ming, who did not do Taobao, returned to the identity of the workers again. Although he still had a dream in his heart, he had to bow to reality.

After all, the successful people are only a few, and most of the young people who have lost their north have to start a new journey.

Second, the blue ocean of the niche industry does not belong to most entrepreneurs

After the 00s, the ideas are always strange, and they also seem to be unique in the industry's choice.

In the face of traditional industries, after the 00s, there will always be a lot of picky; and in the face of various novelty occupations, they yearn for their yearning. As a result, a group of novel occupations have been derived, such as respiratory therapists, snail powder smells stinky, stockings color tuner, sleeping master, pet into the puppet division, milk tea agent, self -discipline supervisor, game sparring, grass planting grass, grass planting planting Ji ...

There is business opportunities if there is a demand, so many post -00 Taobao shop owners have a different approach, and they are no longer obsessed with more competitors' clothing, cultural and creative, jewelry, home furnishings and other industries, and they have begun to seek business opportunities in the niche industry. Most entrepreneurs still start from their relatively familiar fields, based on actual experience or long -term hobbies, put their ideas into practice. Li Meng, born in 200, as a severe procrastinating patient, gave two orders at the Taobao Self -Regulatory Supervisor in order to prepare for the exam, and found a self -discipline supervisor for learning and exercise. At the beginning, the idea was simple. Li Meng just wanted to try whether this model is useful to himself, whether he can improve his habit of developing for many years, and get rid of the distress caused by anxiety and hesitation.

It can only be said that this model is facing Li Meng's descendants. Under supervision and urging, the efficiency of learning and exercise has improved. But Li Meng also discovered a disadvantage that he would excessively rely on self -discipline supervisors. When Li Meng tried to learn independently, the efficiency was far from being highly urged by others, which caused Li Meng to fall into new anxiety.

After the test, Li Meng had the idea of ​​being a self -discipline supervisor. As the old patron of the Taobao shop, Li Meng's application process was very smooth. Li Meng, who is about to graduate, uses him as his first job as his first job. After half a year, he has summarized some experience through the continuous running -in with customers.

After graduating, Li Meng resigned from this part -time job, preparing to prepare for the exam, and opened a self -discipline supervisor shop on Taobao. There are some sources in Li Meng's hand, which is also the capital of Li Meng's opening shop. But after all, it is a sideline. When the personnel are recruited and promoted in the later period, Li Meng just reached the stage of preparation and sprinting, and temporarily put it aside.

This also made Li Meng miss the best time, the conversion and user stickiness of traffic have been greatly reduced. At the same time, more and more enlisted people have entered this niche industry, from individuals to teams, and even capital enrollment. The pressure of competition can be imagined. Many initially discovered that this "little blue ocean" leader has been eliminated, and the living environment of personal stores has begun to become bad. It is even more difficult for Li Meng to re -enter this industry.

It can only be said that although the niche industry has a gap in the market, it is easy to become crowded as the number of entrants becomes more crowded. Originally, the resources were very limited, and the large -scale team naturally occupied the advantage. As long as it was promoted and promoted slightly, it could achieve the purpose of drainage. This is also the risk of the niche industry. It may still be beneficial in the early stage. Once the scale cannot keep up with the speed of development, it is easy to be seized by other businesses.

The development of the industry has always been the case, and there will be a large number of runners who will return. For the first 00 of the society, you may find new business opportunities, but you may not be able to seize the opportunity. After all, the industry is full of a large number of competitors. It is obviously not easy to stand out.

Third, maybe opening a shop is just an excuse for "escaping"

After graduating, busy with the resume, interview or exam is the conventional operation, but the current 00s are very quiet.

Although the current environment is not friendly to graduates, some of the post -00 attitude of "rot" did not dare to compliment. The young people who don't want to find a way out in the environment have shifted their attention to the Internet. Although the golden period of Taobao has passed, it may not be a "shelter" for 00.

The failure of the postgraduate entrance examination, the hope of going ashore, and the unsatisfactory work have made many young people who have arrived in the society as discouraged. There is always a gap between ideals and reality. Faced with the pressure of all parties, the young people who rotten seek a suitable way for themselves, that is, doing business on Taobao.

There is no ambition or an ideal ambition. He just wants to use the Internet to escape the reality. Wang Yang is one of the typical examples. After three months of resigning two jobs, graduation is unemployed. Wang Yang bluntly said, "The unfairness of society is reflected in me. Why do you still have to work without money? "

Wang Yang, who had been staying at home for two months, daily life was playing games, anime and sleeping. After being educated by parents, friends and relatives, he was still indifferent. Wang Yang acknowledged that he had not yet stepped out of the identity of college students, and was very confused into the society from his psychology.

The real turns appear at a classmate party. Three or five friends must meet the current situation and future plans. This is obviously a soul torture for Wang Yang. Thinking again and again, Wang Yang got the idea of ​​Taobao store.

According to Wang Yang's thoughts, the investment cannot be too high, and the goods cannot be pressed in hand. It is best to be an intermediate operator. There are very few shops that meet Wang Yang's required stores. At this time, he saw that friends who had sold latex pillows in the circle of friends were looking for franchisees, which made Wang Yang feel the opportunity.

After the order is placed, the latex pillow is shipped from the origin, and the target type is single. There is no need to launch multiple products. This may be the best choice for Wang Yang, who has never operated Taobao shops. After the shop opened, there were occasional customers who came to ask the price, and the order rate was not high, but Wang Yang had no opinion on this, because opening the Taobao shop made his ears clean a lot.

After the 00s who are in their jobs, they are not in fact, although they have many choices, their confusion about the future has made them losing their motivation briefly. The emerging profession of Taobao e -commerce may be the "transit station" that young people escape the status quo briefly, which gives this young man's time and space. Obviously, the three post -00s in the above, whether it is original intention, attitude or ideas, is different. However, Taobao e -commerce to them, like offline entrepreneurship in the 90s, is a way to choose when they are about to graduate into a ignorant period. Although the risks of entrepreneurship are always inevitable regardless of online or offline, it is undoubtedly the difficulty of challenging for the lack of experience.

Source public account: Koi Finance (ID: jinlifin), deep interesting and good luck

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The point of view of this article only represents the author himself, and everyone is the product manager platform that only provides information storage space services.

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