Xi Jinping: Without network security, there is no national security

Author:Emergency Management Departmen Time:2022.09.06

From September 5th to 11th, the National Cyber ​​Security Propaganda Week in 2022 was launched nationwide. Holding the Weekly Cyber ​​Security Publicity Week and improving the awareness and skills of the national network security is an important part of national network security work. General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly emphasized the importance of network security awareness and puts forward specific requirements for strengthening the awareness of network security. This article sorted out some of the important expositions of General Secretary Xi Jinping and learned with everyone.


The National Cyber ​​Security Publicity Week opened in Hefei in 2022. Picture source: CCTV News Client

Cyber ​​security and informatization are led by many fields

Cyber ​​security and informatization are led by many areas of a country. We must recognize the situation and tasks we are facing, and fully understand the importance and urgency of doing a good job. Move, take the trend. Cyber ​​security and informatization are the two wings and two -wheel wheels of the integration. They must be planned, unified deployment, promoted, and implemented uniformly.

——In February 27, 2014, Xi Jinping's speech at the first meeting of the central network security and informatization leadership group

Without network security, there is no national security, there is no economic and social stability operation, and the interests of the general public are difficult to guarantee.

——In April 2018, Xi Jinping's speech at the National Cyber ​​Security and Informatization Working Conference

Digital economy, Internet finance, artificial intelligence, big data, cloud computing and other new technologies and new applications have developed rapidly, which has spawned a series of new formats and new models, but the relevant legal system still has time difference and blank areas. Cyber ​​crimes have become one of the important risks that endanger my country's national political security, network security, social security, and economic security.

—— On November 16, 2020, Xi Jinping's speech at the working conference of the central government in accordance with the law

From April 20th to 21st, 2018, the National Cyber ​​Security and Informatization Work Conference was held in Beijing. Xi Jinping attended the meeting and delivered an important speech. Photo by Li Tao, a reporter from Xinhua News Agency

Adhere to the network security to the people, network security rely on the people, and enhance the ability of network security defense and deterrence

It is necessary to establish a correct network security outlook, accelerate the construction of a key information infrastructure security guarantee system, perceive the network security situation all -round, and enhance the network security defense capabilities and deterrent capabilities.

——Auting on April 19, 2016, Xi Jinping's speech at a symposium on network security and informatization

It is necessary to establish a correct outlook on network security, strengthen information infrastructure network security protection, strengthen network security information coordination mechanism, means, and platform construction, strengthen the construction of emergency command capabilities of network security incidents, actively develop the network security industry, so as to move forward forward movements, prevent prevention, prevent prevention Undaled before. To implement the protection of key information infrastructure protection, the industry and enterprises as key information infrastructure operators bear the main protection responsibility of the main body, and the competent authority fulfills its supervision responsibilities. It is necessary to severely crack down on illegal criminal acts such as cyber hackers, telecommunications network fraud, and infringement of citizens' personal privacy, cut off the chain of cyber criminal interests, continue to form a high -pressure situation, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the people. It is necessary to carry out in -depth promotion and popularization of network security knowledge and skills, and improve the awareness of network security and protective skills of the people.

——In April 2018, Xi Jinping's speech at the National Cyber ​​Security and Informatization Working Conference

The national network security work must adhere to the network security to the people, the network security rely on the people, protect personal information security, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of citizens in the network space. It is necessary to adhere to the integration of network security education, technology, and industries, and form a benign ecology of talent training, technological innovation, and industrial development. It is necessary to adhere to the promotion of development and the unification of management in accordance with the law, and vigorously cultivate new technologies and applications such as artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, and the next generation of communication networks, but also actively use laws, regulations, and standard specifications to guide new technologies. We must adhere to the control of security, controllable and open innovation, based on the open environment to maintain network security, strengthen international exchanges and cooperation, and enhance the people's sense of gain, happiness, and security in the network space.

——In September 2019, Xi Jinping made important instructions on the National Network Security Propaganda Week

On November 16, 2016, the 3rd World Internet Conference opened in Wuzhen, Zhejiang Province. Xi Jinping delivered a speech at the opening ceremony. Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhang Duo Zhang Duo

Adhere to the concept of network sovereignty and promote global Internet governance towards a more fair and reasonable direction

China is actively promoting the construction of the Internet to benefit the development of the Internet to 1.3 billion Chinese people. China is willing to work together with countries around the world, in accordance with the principles of mutual respect and trust, deepen international cooperation, respect network sovereignty, maintain network security, jointly build a network space of peace, security, openness, and cooperation, establish multilateral, democratic, transparent, transparent International Internet governance system.

—— On November 19, 2014, Xi Jinping gave a congratulatory word to the first World Internet Conference

Different countries and regions have continued to enlarge, and the existing network space governance rules are difficult to reflect the wishes and interests of most countries; the world ’s infringement of personal privacy, intellectual property rights, and cyber crimes will occur. Terrorism activities have become global harm. Faced with these problems and challenges, the international community should strengthen dialogue cooperation on the basis of mutual respect and trust, promote the reform of the Internet's global governance system, jointly build a network space of peace, security, openness, and cooperation, establish multilateral, democratic, transparent, transparent, transparent Global Internet governance system. —— On December 16, 2015, Xi Jinping's speech at the opening ceremony of the Second World Internet Conference

"Gentleman's business, the original standing." At the conference last year, I proposed the "four principles" and "five -point claims" of global Internet development governance, which was actively responding to the international community. China is willing to work with the international community, adhere to the common well -being of human beings, adhere to the concept of network sovereignty, and promote global Internet governance towards a more fair and reasonable direction, and promote network space to achieve equal respect, innovation and development, open sharing, security and orderly orderly orderly and orderly order of network space. Target.

—— On November 16, 2016, Xi Jinping's speech at the opening ceremony of the 3rd World Internet Conference

Source: "Party Construction Network WeChat" WeChat Public Account Network Information China

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