Huawei New Machinery is equipped with a satellite communication technology industry chain to enter the "preparation" state

Author:Securities daily Time:2022.09.08

Reporter Jia Li

"After a lapse of 2 years, Huawei mobile phones have returned again." On September 6, Huawei's Consumer Business CEO Yu Chengdong said that Huawei officially released the new generation of Mate series flagship Huawei Mate 50. "The 2013 Mate series was born and has gone through ten years. For ten years, Huawei has been innovating in the mobile phone industry. Only Mate can surpass Mate."

On the eve of the release, Yu Chengdong took the initiative to break the news that the new mobile phone would "break through the sky" innovative technology. On September 6, Yu Chengdong unveiled the mystery. The so -called "breaking through the sky", that is, the Huawei Mate 50 series will support Beidou satellite news hardware capabilities. It is the first Volkswagen smartphone that supports Beidou satellite news and supports the latest Hongmeng 3.0 system. Moreover, this mobile phone first became the world's first consumer phone with satellite communication technology in iPhone 14.

Huawei's move caused waves in the secondary market. On September 6, A -share satellite communication concept stocks performed active, and three -dimensional communication and Yun Ding Technology and other daily limit.

Satellite communication technology

The first applied to consumer mobile phone

Beidou Communication, XMAGE, Kunlun Glass, Emergency Mode ... This is the keywords of the Huawei Mate 50 series mobile phones, and it is also Huawei's breakthrough on the new generation of smartphones.

"The biggest feature of Huawei's latest high -end mobile phone is the first support for the Beidou satellite news." Yuan Bo, a researcher and communication engineer of the research institute, told the Securities Daily reporter. "In addition, more smooth operating systems, low -power screens, support (wearing masks) 3D face payment, Kunlun glass to increase the whole machine's anti -drop ability, etc., all of which are Huawei's new Mate series. Compared with the previous generation, compared to the previous generation The upgrade of the phone. "

Yu Chengdong said that when a person is in the environment of no -ground network signal such as deserted or unmanned regions, in danger, earthquake rescue, etc., you can send text and location information out of the Mate 50 mobile phone Beidou satellite technology to keep in contact with the outside world. And support multiple positions to generate trajectory maps. "Compared with the iPhone13 Pro Max phone, Huawei Mate 50 mobile phone communication wireless signal is more than 2.5DB."

"At present, Huawei has accelerated in terms of supply chain, chip, satellite communications and other aspects, and has launched an innovative product incorporated into satellite communication technology earlier than expected. In addition to mobile phones, Huawei will use satellite communication related technologies with VR terminals and smart cars in the future. Wait for further integration to realize the linkage of vehicle planes and smart homes. "A Huawei engineer revealed to the Securities Daily reporter.

For the development and application of innovative technologies called "breaking the sky" by Yu Chengdong, the outside world has different views.

Yuan Bo believes that the Huawei Mate 50 series mobile phone is equipped with satellite communication technology: this is the world's first mobile phone that supports satellite communication technology. The use of China's independent Beidou satellite navigation system to achieve dead corner communication and create satellite communication. The precedent of technology -scale civilian use is also a preliminary attempt for mobile phones to rely on mobile communication base stations. As a truly "all -weather" mobile phone, it is the first to achieve electricity to communicate with power in the world, which is of great significance. When 5G evolves 6G, it will involve "heaven and earth integration" communication. Essence With the sustainable development of mobile communication technology, the combination of satellite communication and fixed base station communication will be a long -term trend and a prelude to the development of mobile communication towards space.

In the opinion of Xiang Ligang, an expert in high -quality consulting experts in the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, at present, the development of smartphones is facing stagnation or bottlenecks as a whole, and the space for innovation is limited, which is no exception. The Huawei Mate 50 has made innovation and upgrading in image and communication technology. "The value of satellite communication technology in extreme weather and mountainous areas will be more obvious. This is an important direction for the development of mobile phone communication technology." However, analysts said that the maturity of related technologies needs to be further improved.

Manufacturer follow -up related technologies

The industrial chain enters the "preparation war" state

The innovation and upgrading of the Huawei Mate 50 series mobile phones will drive other mobile phone manufacturers to follow up the relevant technologies and promote the further development of the industrial chain. Wang Yong, CEO of Geely's Age, recently said that the Star -based Internet mobile phone launched in the future will be the world's first consumer -grade mobile phone with direct low -orbit satellites, achieving the integration of heaven and earth and unbounded connection. Two months ago, the Xingji era had announced the acquisition of 79.09%of Meizu Technology.

In fact, in March this year, Xiaomi Mi Mobile Software also obtained a new patent of "satellite -based communication methods, devices and storage media". In addition, some mainstream mobile phones of vivo also support Beidou navigation.

"At present, China's independent construction and independent global satellite navigation systems have been fully completed. 5G, satellite communication, and near -field communication may become the basic configuration of high -end smartphones in the future, and it is even expected to become the opportunity to overtake domestic mobile phone curve. At present, Manufacturers such as Xiaomi, vivo, etc. are also layout. "Communication technology analysts told reporters:" During the enters of mobile phones, the market urgently needs innovation terminals to break the situation. In the future, mainstream mobile phone manufacturers will link mobile phones and satellites. Promote the development of satellite communication technology in more fields. "

According to the data of Zhiyan Consultation, in 2021, the size of my country's satellite communications market reached 75.77 billion yuan, of which the market size of the mass consumer communication service service market in the segment was 61.49 billion yuan, and the satellite mobile communication service market was 2.98 billion yuan. According to the analysis of CITIC Investment Research, Mate 50 is equipped with a Beidou short newspaper to achieve satellite communication functions. The development of satellite communication and satellite Internet has been widespread, and may even become part of 6G. Domestic Tiantong Satellite has been commercially available before. The operator is China Telecom. Terminal providers include Hualin Tong, Hagrid Communication, Gao Xinxing, etc.; China Global Low -track Satellite Internet Constellation is also expected to speed up. Manufacturing and rocket launch links. However, analysts believe that the current industry chain is on the eve of the development of large -scale application and enters the state of "preparation". At the same time, it is also necessary to pay attention to the risks of unclear charging models that may exist in satellite communications.

5G chip problem

Still to break through

Huawei Mate 50 can share cellular communication capabilities through the latest HarmonyOS 3 distributed communication. On this basis, Huawei also announced the Hongmeng 3 upgrade plan of Huawei equipment. The first upgrade equipment includes smart terminal products such as Huawei P50 series mobile phones, smart screens, and watches.

"At present, Hongmeng has made progress in end users and other aspects, but it takes time to meet social expectations. Open source Hongmeng is still in the promotion period. It lacks enough industry applications. It will usher in a critical period of large -scale and independent development. "When talking about the development of the Hongmeng system, Zhang Xiaorong, an expert in the Chinese Artificial Intelligence Society, told the reporter of the Securities Daily," Huawei has entered a state of forced Long March. Work hard first. Hongmeng's future opportunity is still future terminals such as new energy vehicles. "

In addition, from the current situation, the 5G chip problem of Huawei mobile phones has not been completely solved. In the view of Wit Display chief analyst, Lin Zhi, at present, Huawei 5G mobile phone chips are still temporarily unsolved, but with factors such as technological innovation and upgrading, Huawei mobile phones will still return.

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