The American anti -China government was polite, Apple used Chinese chips, and the White House also made a positive decision

Author:Kim Can Rong Channel Time:2022.09.12

According to, many Republican members of the United States have recently "blown up". They warned Apple in the United States that if the company purchases a storage chip for its latest mobile phones from a Chinese semiconductor company, it will face the "strict review" of the United States Association. It is reported that this strict statement, including Rubio, a number of American "ashes" anti -Chinese politicians.

According to previous Korean media reports, Apple will include storage chips produced by a Chinese chip company into the procurement list of its latest version of mobile phone flash chips. In this regard, anti -China politicians such as Rubio warned Apple to "play fire" because these Chinese -produced chips "will bring serious security risks to the United States. In addition, they also accused Apple that doing so will be effective. Delivery knowledge and technology to Chinese technology companies, thereby enhancing its strength and helping China to achieve the goal of "surpassing the United States".

However, after the US Republican politicians questioned or even threatened, Apple responded that they are currently only evaluating the feasibility of using Chinese -enterprise chips and did not use any Chinese chips in their mobile phones. Moreover, Apple also pointed out that they use products produced by Chinese manufacturers, which are limited to sales in the Chinese market and do not sell them in other parts of overseas regions. This does not have the risk of "threatening US national security".

Obviously, some anti -Chinese politicians have almost reached the point of madness in order to destroy the cooperation between China and the United States. Apple's evaluation of the use of Chinese companies' chips is just to meet the needs of Chinese consumers and in order to enhance its decision in the Chinese market share. But in the eyes of some anti -Chinese politicians in the United States, it has become a "reason" threatening US national security. Such ignorant and stubborn politicians on the American corporate stall are the biggest obstacles for their development and growth.

You know, Apple has a huge supply chain system in China. According to the disclosure of the US media, as of the end of last year, more than 50 Chinese companies were supplying parts to Apple. The company's dependence on China's component supply chain has increased from 3.6%10 years ago to 25%. At present, mainland China has surpassed Taiwan and has become the largest component supplier of Apple. Therefore, American politicians try to prevent Apple from using Chinese components, which is equivalent to putting this leading American company in death.

In fact, the reason why Apple plans to use Chinese chips is not just because it cannot get rid of the dependence on the supply chain to China. More importantly, Apple's move should also have some kind of changes in the current China -US science and technology cooperation environment. connect. According to the Global Times, the U.S. government announced recently that it will relax the restrictions on sharing technology with Chinese companies sanctioned by US companies. According to US media claims, the United States 'move continues to maintain the United States' leading position in formulating international standards while narrowing in China and its technology gap.

The reason why the United States is suppressed by Chinese technology companies is to maintain their own dominance to formulate the rules of the game. However, after the United States has strangled crazy for a long time on Chinese technology companies, it was found that Chinese technology companies not only did not stop developing their development due to the suppression of the United States, but instead broke through the US technology blockade and gradually became many internationally in the world. The standard maker in the field is self -evident to the impact of the United States' dominant position in related fields.

This. Some US media pointed out that the US move is to solve the "low -level" technology shared by US companies, including Huawei, and the US sanctions entity. Although the United States shows that US companies should be approved by the relevant US government agencies before sharing "low -level" technology with relevant Chinese companies. However, the US government made this decision, showing that they had to share their dominance with China in some science and technology fields for maintaining their position in the field of international science and technology.

The reason why the United States is crazy to China is to a large extent to prevent China from "surpassing the United States" in the fields of economy, military and technology. However, don't look at the United States' recent moves on China ’s technology blockade, such as forming so -called" chip Quartet Alliance "and so on. However, after several years of fierce competition between China and the United States, the United States' crazy curb policy not only could not prevent China's rise, but instead made its economy scattered. Therefore, the US government's restrictions on the cooperation between Sino -US science and technology companies at this time seems to show that the United States has realized that the practice of suppressing China in the field of science and technology has not work.

It can be seen that even the U.S. government has to start trying to share the dominance of certain fields with China. Lievis and other very few anti -Chinese politicians such as Rubio cannot stop Chinese and American companies win -win cooperation. Therefore, when Apple and other American technology companies, when they are in the needs of protecting their own interests and seeking cooperation with China, some extreme anti -Chinese politicians try to obstruct corporate cooperation, and will only scoff by all parties because they harm the interests of American companies.

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