Tianshui Gangu: fruit hanging branches Apple happy harvest

Author:Gansu released Time:2022.09.22

In September of Jinqiu, apples in Gangu County, Tianshui City successively entered the harvest season. In the continuous apple garden, the red apples were full of branches. The fruit farmers were busy picking apples and the joy of bumper harvest on their faces.

"The apple here is crispy and sweet, and the water is full ..." On the morning of September 20, in an apple garden in Pan'an Town, Gangu County, the fruit farmers were broadcasting Apple picking pictures through the platforms such as Douyin and Kuaishou to expand sales channels , Introduce my hometown Apple to netizens from all over the country. Gangu County is a typical continental monsoon climate, with sufficient light, high valid temperature, low air humidity, large temperature difference between day and night, the accumulation of tree body nutrition and survival, the result of the results of young trees, and the accumulation of sugar accumulation of fruits. Therefore, the county has become one of the main producing areas of flowers and cows, and it is also one of the key counties of the 18 fruit product bases in Gansu Province. (New Gansu · Daily Gansu.com reporter Wan and Minzhi Wang Cunzu)

Source: New Gansu Client

Edit: Du Ying Editor: Zhu Wang School Review: Wang Xuexiang

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