In the 190 automotive industry chain of Chengdu Economic Development Zone, enterprises opened full horsepower closed -loop production

Author:Chengdu Daily Jinguan Time:2022.09.12

"When the epidemic comes, the company immediately launched a closed -loop production plan." The relevant person in charge of FAW -Volkswagen Chengdu Branch introduced in an interview with reporters today that since the closed loop, the company's production and operations are steadily and orderly, and they are sprinting throughout the year.

The epidemic should be defended and the economy must be stable. Since September 1, the upstream and downstream enterprises upstream and downstream of the Chengdu Economic Development Zone's automotive industry chain have applied for a closed -loop management while fully implementing the epidemic prevention and control work.

"At present, a total of 190 auto industry chains are conducting closed -loop production, and the total number of closed -loop applicants is about 40,000." The relevant person in charge of the Automotive Bureau of Longquanyi District introduced.

Establish a closed -loop plan in advance

Epidemic prevention at the same time

"Since September 1st, nearly 4,000 employees and dozens of suppliers of the company have emerged in closed -loop production in the field. Under the premise of preventing and controlling the epidemic, ensure that production is continuous." FAW -Volkswagen Chengdu Branch related The person in charge told reporters that by summing up past epidemic prevention experience, the company has formulated factory closed -loop production plans covering multiple scene precision epidemic prevention and control.

In the material transportation port, FAW -Volkswagen Chengdu Branch urgently developed a set of driver management systems to ensure that the supply chain is smooth. On the one hand, the company uses the network platform to manage the vehicles and drivers of all suppliers and their logistics companies, and "bind" hundreds of truck drivers and nearly 300 trucks and operates. "Pickings", reporting location, temperature, itinerary card, nucleic acid detection, etc. On the other hand, in accordance with the prevention and control requirements, the truck driver must hold a 24 -hour nucleic acid detection negative certificate.

"After entering the factory area, the truck that transports spare parts will go to the designated unloading point. After the special person is eliminated and unloaded, after the task is completed, the truck will drive out of the factory along the fixed route. The person in charge said, "The epidemic does have some impact on our production, but through the implementation of the closed -loop production plan, the company does its best to ensure production operation."

How to ensure production capacity in a closed -loop mode? Liu Mingjun, director of the Comprehensive Management Branch of Shenlong Automobile Co., Ltd., told reporters that the company mobilized nearly 2,700 employees in the park to enter closed -loop management. In addition to the employees of Shenlong Automobile Chengdu Branch, in the Chengdu Industrial Park of Shenlong Automobile, 7 core component suppliers around the Chengdu Branch of Shenlong Automobile also entered a closed -loop production state together.

Similarly, in Zhongzhi Chengdu Automobile Co., Ltd., the relevant person in charge told reporters that after the last round of the epidemic, the company planned the relevant arrangements for production in the factory and organized relevant departments to discuss closed -loop production plans.

"We started closed -loop production from September 1st. At present, the number of closed -loop production is 81, which is developing in an orderly manner." The person in charge said that the company urgently purchased related living materials such as simple mattresses, towels and washing products. At the same time, it was Arrange the company's free office for temporary dormitory.

The person in charge stated that in the case of emergency notification, the relevant functional departments of Longquan District quickly conducted field inspections and judges, quickly approved the company's closed -loop application plan, so that the company could quickly conduct closed -loop operations and go all out to insurance.

Production line high -speed operation

Top sprint throughout the year's target task

Accompanied by the rotation of the wheel, the new Jetta VS7 shot the production line in 56 seconds. Today, at the FAW -Volkswagen Chengdu Branch's assembly workshop, the workers were wearing a mask and were busy in an orderly manner.

"At present, our production auction still keeps a new car offline for 56 seconds. The main models are the VS7, VS5, VA3, and the Volkswagen brand's new Sagitar." The relevant person in charge of FAW -Volkswagen Chengdu Branch told reporters that Nearly 4,000 employees in the factory ensure the smooth and orderly production of production. Everyone work together to minimize the impact of the epidemic.

As an important component supplier of FAW-Volkswagen Chengdu Branch, Chengdu Fuwei An Tuo Automotive Decoration System Co., Ltd. is also going to insurance for production. "At present, the company has more than 600 people in the closed -loop management, and is fully supporting the two components for FAW -Volkswagen Jetta and Sagitar. The daily production capacity is about 1,000, which can fully meet the capable capacity of FAW -Volkswagen."

In the Zhongzhi Yizhe production workshop, the order of 420 pure electric buses in Chengdu bus is being produced.

"In 2022, the company's order volume and revenue will exceed a record high, but this year's epidemic and electricity limit and other factors will have a certain impact on production and operation." At present, during the closed -loop production period, the company produces more than 10 large passenger cars a day, reaching 60%-70%of normal production standards.

"Our annual output is booked for 1200 units, and the output value is expected to exceed 1.2 billion yuan. At present, about 55%of the total progress has been completed." The person in charge said that through the joint efforts of the group and company employees Essence

In Shenlong Automobile, production can still reach nearly 400 vehicles per day. Liu Mingjun said that in the closed -loop production model, the company did not cut production capacity. Compared with usual, this is also a state of high yield.

"We will go all out to support the stable production of key enterprises." The relevant person in charge of the Automobile Bureau of Longquan District said that in the closed -loop management, the District Automobile Bureau actively jointly jointly review the enterprise's closed -loop application to help key enterprises apply for staff and vehicles and vehiclesPass, coordinate the mobile working group to conduct nucleic acid testing for the enterprise, while doing a good job of preventing and controlling the epidemic prevention and control, and make every effort to stabilize the economy and maintain growth!Chengdu Daily Jinguan Journalist Li Keyu Editor He Qixie Intern Editor Lu Yarui picture provided by the respondent

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