The school enables students to "drama"?The "Chinese lesson" of other people's family is on fire

Author:China Education News Time:2022.08.04

The rehearsal lasted for ten months,

Crossing age and age,

Nearly 90 teachers and students in the three schools soared on the same stage,

True love is alive

Little people living in Beiping City in 1948,

It is full of "youthful taste" of the classic drama!

July 26 19:30,

Middle School affiliated to Beijing Normal University,

Beijing Normal University Affiliated Experimental Middle School,

Beijing Normal University Second Affiliated Middle School

Drama jointly rehearsed by the three schools

"Wo Tou Hall" at the Beijing National Culture Palace Grand Theater

Formally debut,

It is well received by the audience.

How wonderful is the youth version of "Wo Tou Mansion"?

Look at it together-

01 What is the "Wo Tou Hall"?


One year before Peiping's liberation, in a civilian courtyard named Wo Tou Hall, the landlord Yuan Guozhong guarded his small courtyard and son, and lived on the rent of houses, private wine and pickling pickles. His son Yuan Jiangmiao suffered from a child from an early age. Yuan Guozhong loved his son very much, but his son looked down on him. The former owner of the small courtyard was the former Qing Dynasty "Lifting" Gu Yuezong. He rely on the text game that played when he sold the house to the house. There are also two women in the small courtyard, one is the daughter -in -law of the chef Wang Liben, Tian Cuilan, who had been a "secret door"; ... These little people are in trouble with the lively life, various harsh donations, the fraud, and even the fate and the heart of the people ...

The so -called: "Little man, big perspective". The little people we deduced have the shortcomings of various colors. Between the old and new changes, we are unable to deal with the difficult life: various harsh donations, the fraud of the wicked, and the heavy hammer of fate follow. In the process, although the beauty of human nature is difficult to bloom, it will never be annihilated. There may be pain and despair, maybe sadness and separation. But after sorrow, Shuguang always came quietly, as expected. The old one went, the new one is here ...

Go together, go together,

Let's go together to New China!

You are love, warm, warm,

You are the April days of the world.

02 "Big Chinese+Drama Education" new concept

The performance of the "Wo Tou Hall" was jointly initiated by the basic education development management department of Beijing Normal University and the community of subject education and research community (Chinese) directly affiliated to Beijing Normal University.

Since May 2019, Beijing Normal University has led the main practical school with Beijing Normal University Affiliated Middle School, Affiliated Experimental Middle School, and Second Affiliated Middle School. The purpose of this move is based on the development of discipline development, problem solving, and professional improvement of schools directly affiliated to school, integrate first -class experts at home and abroad and basic education to run school resources, and establish an organization of discipline education research that breaks the individual limitations of the school.

Among them, the Chinese science and education community based on the customized design community of discipline characteristics of the disciplinary characteristics, the integration of Chinese teaching and drama education, and establishing the concept of "big language education" on the basis of following the general laws of Chinese teaching. Develop students' language feelings and expression skills, and provide samples for exploring new classroom teaching paradigms.

Since its establishment, the Chinese discipline community has chosen a classic drama every year, organizing member schools to perform cross -school co -town co -operating performances. At present, they have successfully performed the "Tea House" and "Wo Tou Hall", which has been widely praised by teachers and students and society.

03 "Wowotou" has something to say

A drama is a hundred.

A big drama learn to do things.

The children play a good role,

There is also confidence to live a good life.

The rehearsal process of "Wo Tou Hall" this year is even more ups and downs. During the prevention and control of the epidemic, the drama exhibition stopped several times. From September last year to the sea actor, the rehearsal from October to November, the performance of the original plan in December was canceled; the rehearsal was rehearsed from March to April this year, and the performance of the original plan in May was postponed again; Performance can be described as twists and turns.

Each "Wowotou" has the original intention of loved drama, and it also contains the expectations of education. Teachers and students use love to brew drama, and teachers use love to achieve the glory of students. This is the charm of drama and the power of youth. Go out of the campus and come to a larger social stage. The stage that students have appeared on are greater, and the education and growth harvested from them are also greater. Cross -school rehearsal performances turn the process of relatively closed small -scale performances in various schools into social education.

Shen Jinghong, Secretary of the Secretary of the Second High School of Beijing Normal University:

"In this process, Chinese textbooks and drama education are constantly combined. Through dramatic factors, more students are involved, and through expressions, understand more characters from time span, realize the core literacy of Chinese -the construction of language construction Ability training."

Language teacher at the Second Affiliated Middle School of Beijing Normal University:

"After the implementation of the new curriculum standard, the Chinese discipline advocates teachers to create a real situation and enhance students' language literacy. In order to play a good role, students must take the initiative to read the text, and also conduct comprehensive learning of interdisciplinary interdisciplinary. Class information. Drama has created a good real situation for Chinese learning through this way, so that students can listen, see, and feel. "

Song Shengyi, a second -year high school student at the University of Northern Normal University:

"In the past, we all studied by studying the drama in the textbook. Now we are immersed in the theater to perform, so that I have experienced the characters more deeply, and I experience the author's thoughts. The turbulent waves of ordinary people are not as bland than celebrities."

Guo Yuheng, No. 2 Affiliated to Beijing Normal University:

"This performance not only enhances my ability to coordinate, but also enhances the ability of empathy. The characters I play only have ten lines, but I want to express huge emotional explosive power between these ten sentences.Fun, but now I really understand drama is an art. "

On the stage, it is difficult to imagine that the characters such as Yuan Guozhong and Gu Yuezong were played by 16 -year -old middle school students.In the play, whether it is the homeowner Yuan Guozhong, or the ancient Yuezong of the resident, Tian Cuilan, who has done the "secret door", is a middle -aged and elderly person with a difficult life.(Reporter Kong Meng)

- END -

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