The Party History and Education Troupe of the Campaign Memorial Hall of the Campaign of the Jinan University of Science and Technology to carry out practical activities

Author:Qingdao University of Science Time:2022.08.07

Text/Figure Yu 桠桠

In order to learn the spirit of Yinglie, enhance the feelings of patriotism, and carry forward the red culture, on July 10, 2022, Qingdao University of Science and Technology "visit the red footprint and look for the revolutionary road" party history learning and education troupe to the Jinan Battle Memorial Hall to carry out summer vacation practice.

Understand the heroic deeds and look for hero footprints

On the afternoon of July 10, the team members arrived at the Jinan Battle Memorial with excitement. In the mouth of the interpreter, the members learned that the Jinan Campaign Memorial Hall, which is a national patriotic education demonstration base, included the remaining utensils of the soldiers during the Liberation War, showing the red history of the Chinese People's Liberation Army's defenders. First of all, the team members came to the lobby on the first floor of the memorial hall. The most impressive thing was the square sculpture. Below the sculpture was a hand that tightly gripped the horn. A red power reversed the situation that could not be changed at the time under the leadership of the charge. At the same time, the murals behind it show the harsh conditions on the battlefield, reflecting the spirit of the soldiers who are not afraid of danger and sacrifice. In the various life and death contests that members saw, they felt the heroes of the ancestors' "strong mountains and qi".

Pursue red memory, inherit the red gene

Later, the team members entered the lobby on the second floor. Here are the life of the martyrs. They have the spirit of not being afraid of bleeding, not afraid of sacrifice in the war. The real world records the predecessors who vowed to protect the family and defend the country in the rain. Looking at the lively soldiers in front of them, every soldier holding a steel gun had a look of death, and the murderousness in the eyes seemed to force the enemy to retreat, which could not help but feel the ruthlessness of the war. Eight days and eight nights struggling, five thousand heroes dyed the spring city, and finally got the victory of the Jinan campaign. At this moment, members were full of respect for the hero.

Learn the spirit of the ancestors and carry forward the red culture

Thousands of people admire the wind and worship the loyalty. The red years full of smoke made members understand the hardships of the peaceful age. The loyalty of Qingshan was buried everywhere, and the heroic spirit was forever. Although the smoke of the campaign goes away, the five thousand heroes finally sleep under the heroes of the hero, but the predecessors fighting with the enemy will always become a role model for everyone to move forward, guiding everyone to move forward. In the planning of the soldiers, in the fire, in the fire, in the overcoming enemy, Jinan won the new life. Heroes are sleeping, sun and moon, and the team members are more aware of the need for red culture to carry forward, and the red spirit is worth learning.

By visiting the Revolutionary Martyrs Memorial Hall, it will help players to better learn the spirit of heroic spirit and promote red culture. In the future study life, establish a sense of sorrow, and not forget the suffering of the ancestors, which can more inspire players to cherish the current beautiful life and better invest in socialist construction.

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