"Tour Canal Xingda Games" 2022 Beijing (International) Canal Cultural Festival opening

Author:China Economic Network Time:2022.08.09

China Economic Net, Beijing, August 9th (Reporter Cheng Qi) On August 8th, the 2022 Beijing (International) Canal Cultural Festival in Tongzhou District Green Heart Forest Park officially kicked off. The theme of this event is "Tour the Canal, Traveling the Grand Canal". By integrating various resources such as culture, tourism, and sports along the line, it is based on the three major sections of the "Millennium Canal", "Colorful Canal" and "Vitality Canal", and adopt an online and offline combination. , Hold a series of key activities.

At the opening ceremony, the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Cultural Relics released the construction results of the Grand Canal Culture Band in the field of cultural and blogging, showing excellent cases in archeological excavations and ancient building repair along the Grand Canal in recent years. The key projects explain how Beijing continues to promote the rivers of culture, ecology, the river of development, the river of people's livelihood, and the construction of the river of integration, especially the Grand Canal Museum (Shoubo East Museum), the urban sub -center library, the theater three, the theater three The main structure of large cultural facilities has basically completed this year's highlight.

At the opening ceremony, the "Canal Twelve Times" VR Interactive Experience Exhibition was also set up for guests' immersive experience to experience the changes in the Northern Canal natural and humanistic scenes and the city of the canal in different times. In addition, virtual human interactive The holographic literary performance combines the ancient rhyme of canal with modern technology, and the recitation of virtual characters to recite it to interpret the canal culture of ancient and modern Tonghui.

It is reported that during the Cultural Festival, Tongzhou District will host the International Canal Cultural Summit Forum, inviting cultural scholars and experts at home and abroad to conduct academic exchanges on the Canal Culture on the banks of the North Canal; The new power forum invites urban areas, universities, and well -known experts and scholars to discuss the development of the Canal culture to develop new momentum. In addition, it will also hold a series of historical and cultural exhibitions in the "Thousand -Year Canal Imagination World" series of historical and cultural exhibitions in various districts, showing the research results, historical contexts and contributions to Beijing's development in the Beijing section of the Grand Canal.

In order to expand the enthusiasm of the people's participation, enjoy the results of the Grand Canal's protection and use, and innovate the Grand Canal culture. A rich form of cultural activities are held along the districts along the line. For example, Dongcheng District will hold a big drama Dongwang · 2022 Nanluoguxiang Drama Exhibition Season; Changping District will carry out the "Beiyuan Bai Fu Yun" Changping Canal Cultural theme event. In addition, the Beijing Municipal Cultural Tourism Bureau launched 10 unique boutique tourist routes around the theme of "good life", and at the same time held the Canal Rowing Masters and the "Hi! Canal Cultural Party" to comprehensively promote the development of the cultural tourism industry in Tongzhou District Essence

The Cultural Festival is hosted by the Propaganda Department of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee, the China News Agency, the Beijing Municipal Cultural Relics Bureau, the Tongzhou District Party Committee Government, the China Art Research Institute, the China Cultural Relics News Agency, the Beijing Municipal Party Committee Network Information Office, the Beijing Municipal Development and Reform Commission, the Beijing Municipal Cultural Tourism Bureau, Beijing The Municipal Sports Bureau, the World Canal Historical and Cultural Urban Cooperation Organization, the China Cultural Relics Protection Foundation, the Propaganda Department of the District Committee along the Grand Canal Culture Belt, and the Cultural and Tourism Bureau of various districts.

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