After middle age, the circle is fighting

Author:reader Time:2022.08.19

See a news.

The 68 -year -old retired professor of economics from Shanghai Fudan University wanted to marry a 50 -year -old nanny and was rejected.

The professor asked the nanny in surprise: "I pension 15,000 yuan per month, two houses under the name, and more than 1 million deposits, why don't you agree?"

The nanny said: "I can't draw it. I now pay 7,000 yuan. I do n’t pay for it when I marry you. I do n’t give me the house.

The professor asked how to get married, and the nanny said, "Real estate certificate plus my name."

Professor is trapped ...

Netizens ridiculed: "It is worthy of the nanny of economics professors, near Zhu Zichi."

Who you are not important, what is important is who you are with.

The so -called: "Pong Sheng Ma, do not support it; Baisha is in Nirvana, and it is black."

Your circle determines the height of your life.

After middle age, the circle is fighting.

Circle layer, how important is it to you

In the workplace, there is a law called Parkinson's law, also known as "big corporate disease".

An incompetent leader can have three ways:

One is to give the seat to a capable person; the other is to let a capable person help himself; the third is to use two people with two abilities as a assistant than themselves.

In order to ensure that their status is not violated, many people will choose the third type.

Due to the incompetence of the two assistants, they will go up and down, and continue to find more incompetent assistants. This cycle will form a inefficient circle system.

If you fall into such a dead cycle, it will be difficult for you to make a lot of people.

If you want to achieve something, you must break out from a low -level circle and enter a high -level circle.

Remember the story of security Zhang Juncheng's counterattack admission to Peking University?

Zhang Juncheng graduated from junior high school and became a security guard at Peking University at the age of 19.

After feeling the strong learning atmosphere on the campus of Peking University, Zhang Juncheng couldn't help thinking:

The students here are the same age as their own age. Why can they sit in the classroom every day to study, and they can only be a security guard to endure the wind and sun?

Thinking of this, Zhang Juncheng's heart rose to a strong wish: I want to be a student of Peking University, not just for Peking University to stand!

Since then, Zhang Juncheng has opened the "preparation mode". He stood at the evening and studied himself during the day. He asked teachers and students if he didn't understand.

Zhang Juncheng compressed his daily sleeping time to 3 hours. In the bed of the dormitory, the dull light of the flashlight was often revealed.

In Tiandao, Zhang Juncheng was accepted by the Department of Law (Specialty), the Department of Law of Peking University in the adult college entrance examination, and was accepted by the Department of Law (Specialty) of Peking University.

Picture source: panorama vision

The height of the circle determines the height of your life.

The allusion to "buy a house and buy a neighbor" reflects the house to buy the house, but the circle is difficult to find.

In high -level circles, more excellent people are often gathered. These people will become your nobles and play a key role in your life.

The meaning of the circle of circle is: the average value you are most often contacted, and the income may also be the average of these 5 people.

Your cognition, ability, wealth, and even where you go, what, and what extent you can do are closely related to your circle.

Therefore, striving to enter a high -level circle is the first step in your success.

Who is walking with, decide how far you can go

There is a problem on the Internet: What is the best way to make yourself excellent?

A high praise replied: with the excellent people.

This is true.

"Flying with Phoenix is ​​a handsome bird; walking with tiger and wolves must be a beast."

When Li Jiacheng's driver Gao Jinguo retired, Li Jiacheng gave him 2 million bonuses, but he was simply rejected by him:

"Boss, I already have 10 or 20 million assets, I won't collect this 2 million."

Li Ka -shing is very confused: "Your annual salary is only 100,000, how can there be so much savings?"

Gao Jinguo smiled and explained:

"Over the years, you have called on the car to talk about business, especially about real estate and investment. I have paid attention to it. I have made some investment with you, and the benefits are good. In his later years, you have enough benefits to me, I won't accept this 2 million. "

Walking with a master, you will also be a master.

Liu Tong said in "Whose Youth is not confused":

"What kind of person are you, what kind of person you will meet. What kind of person your friend is, what kind of person you will be."

Indeed, you will be with the wise man, you will be extraordinarily; if you are a good person, you can reach the peak.

Who is with, determine who you are.

The height of the peers determines the height of your life.

Who you are, just your starting point, and who you are with you, you decide your end point.

Picture source: panorama vision

In the second half of life, the circle is fighting

Professor Li Daokui, a professor of Tsinghua University, warned him:

"Don't hesitate to recognize the general direction as soon as possible. Destroy the choice, righteousness, recognize the long -term, determine yourself, and then try to find the circle you want to struggle. You will follow this circle to keep going up."

In this regard, Professor Li Daokui told a story:

In the 1980s, one of his small people liked finance and wanted to engage in finance -related work.

But how can people who do not know the financial circle of the financial circle enter the financial "circle"?

After a long time, I found the way to break through -every weekend to study in the local financial street by bus, where browsed and wrote down the relevant information of each company. It didn't take long for a financial company to see him.

Five years later, he made a small successful transition and became the Asia -Pacific Department of a well -known investment bank.

The circle has been upgraded, and it is the improvement of self -worth.

After all the efforts were stopped, it was because of the wrong place.

Yahoo's founder once said: "Your social circle is your net worth."

When people reach middle age, the largest assets are not houses or stock funds, but a circle that can improve your high -quality circle.

Optimizing the circle is to optimize your life; your circle determines your second half of your life.

Picture source: panorama vision

Strong yourself, the circle will come to you

There is a law of attractiveness in psychology: "People and things that a person encounters are attracted by their own characteristics."

As the so -called same is corresponding, seeking the same qi.

The ability of the same level is often equivalent to the same level.

Value is the basis of socializing. How much value you can provide will get much attention and acceptance.

Since the media people@自 自 自 once shared their own stories:

When Xinyue first entered the industry, she encountered a problem and looked for a big coffee who had added WeChat before.

Unfortunately, the other party ignored her.

Afterwards, she understood it: she was an unknown network writer, why did they respond?

After that, she desperately wrote the article, disassembled the explosion, and studied and studied.

Now that she is famous in the industry, she has never encountered similar things.

Even the big coffees she did not dare to contact before will take the initiative to know her.

If you want to enter the excellent circle, you must have the strength to match it.

If you are in full bloom, the butterfly comes.

Picture source: panorama vision

Luo Zhenyu said in the New Year's Eve speech of "Friends of Time":

"There are two components of a person's wealth basic.

It's been a long time in the low -level circle, and you will stop growing.

Only when you break the barriers of the circle and enter the higher -level circle, your life will always go uphill.

For the rest of your life, I hope you can see the wisdom and constantly jump into the new circle and meet a better self.

Pay attention to "readers" and encourage friends!

- END -

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