How should the workplace and the family be balanced?They say that

Author:Yangtze River Time:2022.08.29

Changjiang Network News (Xuejue reporter Bao Meng Correspondent Liu Ye) On the morning of August 28, the winner of the May 1st Labor Medal in Hubei Province, the winner of the advanced female employee in Wuhan City, the top ten good winners of Xingtan, educational system in the East and West Lake District, and the English teacher , Li Yan, a member of the Hubei Society of Social Psychology, and the "Most Beautiful Reader" in Wuhan in 2022, the chief recommendation officer Wang Yan, the chief recommendation officer of Wuhan Xinhua Bookstore, and three outstanding workplace women from different fields. Don’t blame yourself in the workplace -when the dialogue with Super Women "is published, at the Wuhan Women's and Children's Activity Center, we will start reading and exchange activities around the topic of" women's workplace and family dual -growth ".

Event site. Liu Ye confession

The three workplace mothers combined their respective experiences and reading insights, and shared with the workplace pressure, fertility troubles, educational issues, and personal growth, and shared with the mother -in -law to share the dilemma and challenges of how to deal with career and emotions scientifically. Li Yan analyzed the challenges of work and mother duties in combination with the phenomenon of "mother post punishment", "dense mother post", "maternal guilt", "long -range mothers", "long -range mothers", "long -range mothers", "long -range mothers", "long -range mothers", "long -range mothers", "long -range mothers". How to pursue the balance of work and life, Fang Guiqin combined with the advanced cases around her to share the difficulty and perseverance of the mother's mother, and put forward valuable experiences and suggestions for the self -growth and care of professional women. The responsible editor of the book "Mother of the Workplace", Guo Yujia, the head of the historical biography editor department and deputy editor of the History of the Chinese Translation Press, planned editor Ma Yuchen, and Zhang Yun, the translator of this book, also recorded the video and played on the spot.

Zhang Yun, who was far away from overseas, said in the video that she was very happy to participate in the translation new book to hold a reading seminar in Wuhan, hometown. She said that as a Wuhan native, her hometown deep and rich language and culture nourished her language talent and translation expression, and also hoped that readers who read this book would give feedback on her translation.

"Do not blame in the workplace: Dialogue with Super Women" is a warm book from a woman and given to every workplace mother and workplace woman. On the day, the topic of discussions caused strong resonance with women online and offline workplace. Everyone left a message in the live broadcast room to tell their stories or perceptions, confuse and discuss. Reader Xiaoxiao Orange said that the book learned the concept of "helicopter parent", which was very inspirational, referring to parents who excessively intervened in their children's lives and protected them with good care of their children, because they had been hovering with their children like a helicopter. He said that reading this book will re -think the way to educate children. At the end of the discussion, Wang Yan concluded that all the workplace mothers and women in the workplace can calmly have "courage to blame"!

In order to continue to do a good job of the "Shuxiang Wuhan" national reading and promotion work, Wuhan Xinhua Bookstore, Wuhan Publishing House and Wuhan National Reading Promotion Association actively cooperated to jointly carry out the "2022 Wuhan Children's Book Fair" activity with the National Publishing House of the country. On the same day, it landed at 20 stores under Wuhan Xinhua Bookstore.

"Shuxiang Wuhan" series of activities. Liu Ye confession

The event is based on the form of "reading proposition+cultural scene+writer endorsement+cultural benefit people+public welfare donation". Carry out simultaneously, and carry out different forms of cultural reading activities every week and live rooms every week. At present, more than a hundred stores have carried out more than a hundred "Book Six Six -Entry" (entering agencies, entering the community, entering the enterprise, entering thousands of households, entering the school, and entering the venues) to benefit the people's mobile and sell books, participating in the activity of more than tens of thousands of people.

【Edit: Xie Yuan】

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