"I use reading to educate children": Give parents a life -long effective education "prescription"

Author:Intersection Time:2022.06.28


Youth is a wonderful movement, a river of Pentium, and the rebellion and trouble of teenagers ... Many children will have different degrees of rebellion after entering adolescence. If you have any mood of learning. Parents feel that their children seem to have become a person and become a little bit unknown. For this reason, many parents are deeply distressed and feel helpless.

Zhou Lu, who has been engaged in young people for reading for many years, also has a lot of personal clubs. Zhou Lu's daughter Yun Zhou is 16 years old. He is a little poet and a little writer. He has published more than 30 poems and novels. In August 2018, he became the first batch of Chinese teenagers to sign the writer. The excellent daughter is not completely rebellious at all, but Zhou Lu discovered that adolescent children look cool on the surface, but they are actually very lonely and confused. Guidelines. Through personal practice, Zhou Lu found the most effective way to resolve adolescent troubles: family reading. If you are also worried about how to better understand your children and guide your child, try this "prescription".

The book "I Reading Education" is the summary of Zhou Lu's more than ten years of reading education practice experience. In the past ten years, she insisted that she would not report any composition counseling classes, Chinese classes, Olympic class and other types of learning tutoring classes. A small poet and a little writer, with comprehensive development and excellent quality and academic.

Taking his own daughter as an example, it is not enough to prove the importance of reading education. Zhou Lu interviewed dozens of outstanding young people from all over the country. Some of them are well -known young writers, some are well -known schools in the country, some are CCTV Youth Reading Club The national championship, some are public welfare masters. They have a common feature: they love reading, they are all cultivated by high -quality reading. This proves the core point of view of this book: reading is an effective tool for educating children.

We will be parents without life, and we all need some of the guidance of some excellent seniors. When he was a mother, Zhou Lu read some of the outstanding predecessors, such as "Good Mom is better than a good teacher", "One -year -old to go to Changto Teng" and "positive discipline", etc., which was greatly inspired. When she walked through this journey, she also hoped that she had been practicing herself for more than ten years and sorted out the reading education methods of practical inspection to share with parents and help them find reading. The shortcut of the child's growth problem helps them take less detours, realize that reading is the most effective educational tool, and hope to use the reading method to liberate the children from many unnecessary extracurricular counseling classes, and use reading to cultivate truly excellent children. , Help them open a better future.


Title: I use reading to educate children

Author: Zhou Lu

Press: CITIC Publishing House

Reading is what we have always advocated but have never been able to do it. We may not realize that a good book is a more convincing life instructor than parents in the growth process of children. Thousands of sentences and preaching. Based on this understanding, after the youth reading education expert Zhou Lu deeply interviewed dozens of outstanding teenagers, combined with his experience of reading with his daughter for more than ten years, the system summed up the methods and tools of youth reading, and recommended some suitable for children. For thousands of parents and friends, "I use reading to educate children" is undoubtedly a practical and easy -to -use reading guidance manual.

Book exceeding:

Be a calm parent

First of all, our parents need to correct their mentality and not be misleading by the phrase "cannot let the child lose on the starting line". Learning is a marathon, and life is a marathon. It fights intelligence, physical strength, endurance, and perseverance. What you fight are vision, insights and patterns. The speed of desire is not reached.

In the low grade of elementary school, Yunzhou's grades were medium -level. Mathematics once tested more than 70 points. However, I did not rush to reward her extra -curricular tutoring class and find tutoring, but just let her read quietly. In the first period of the sixth grade, Yunzhou's Chinese and English became the first in the year. Mathematics also changed its appearance, and it became a dark horse. The teacher of the class asked me to introduce the experience at the parent's meeting. I said that Yunzhou was "accumulated and thin."

When we are parents, we must try to be as calm as possible at the elementary school stage. Do not care too much about the children's academic performance. Instead, we should focus on his long -term future and focus on the cultivation of the most important ability of the child's life.

For a child, what is the most important ability he should master? Some people may answer their learning ability, the ability to test high scores, and the ability to associate with people, but I always think that reading is the most important ability that a child should master.

In this era when knowledge is updated, only lifelong learning can be unbeaten. Reading is the most critical key to realize lifelong learning.

"People's Daily" has published an article saying that "the results of the junior high school may be the reading account owed by elementary school." Many parents around us have paid close attention to their children's academic performance since the low grade of elementary school, allowing him to put a lot of time into assignments and tuition classes, and be satisfied with the high scores obtained by the children. In fact, doing so is a huge loss for children.

Because the good grades of children at this stage are an illusion, which is only the result of multiple mechanical brushing, but the child's mind lacks real understanding, thinking and imagination because he is not infiltrated by good reading. After the senior Grade, the child will eventually lose power for his growth due to the lack of reading and the lack of reading. It is like a lack of fuel sports car. Naturally, it is impossible Far, it is not possible to insert wings, and the wings are flying high.

Planning: Tian Mei Gaowei

Reporter: Wang Yan/Wen Liu Changfangda/Video Zheng Lingling/Drawing

Editor -in -chief: Wang Yan

The picture of this article is provided by Zhou Lu and CITIC Publishing House

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