Wuhan Create East Asian Capital | "Meeting · Ancient ink Rhyme -Contemporary Masterpiece Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition"

Author:Changjiang Daily Fun Wuhan Time:2022.07.18

The Yangtze River Daily Da Wuhan client July 18 (Reporter Huang Lijuan) "Students see, the boat on this landscape painting is under the waterfall, and you can experience the spectacular of flying down, hearing the sound of the water, even the sound of the water, and even the sound of the water, even the sound of the water, and even the sound of the water, even the sound of the water, and even the sound of the water, even the sound of the water, and even the sound of the water, even the sound of the water, and even the sound of the water, and even the sound of the water, even I can feel that the water of the waterfall splashed on the face ... "On July 17th, among the calligraphy and painting hall on the first floor of the Wuhan Museum, 50 elementary school students were following the art teacher Han from Wuhan Yucai Second Primary School to learn to appreciate the traditional Chinese calligraphy and painting. This is a youth special public welfare activity launched with "Meeting · Ancient Moral Rhymes -Contemporary Masterpiece Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition". Its purpose is to help Wuhan's creation of East Asian culture capital to inherit and promote the excellent traditional Chinese culture of China.

"Meeting · Ancient Mo Yun -Contemporary Famous Famous Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition" will be launched at the Wuhan Museum from July 8th. The exhibition will last for more than 70 paintings and calligraphy.

Sun Yu, deputy director and curator of the Chinese Cultural and Creative Research Center, introduced that the works exhibited this time are mainly Chinese painting, reflecting the concepts and aesthetics of the Chinese nation, and aiming to promote the traditional Chinese culture.

In the exhibition works, Sun Jianlin's work "Conch Girl" and "Journey to Life", the most important representative of Hunan Gongbi, show different styles in traditional calligraphy and painting, attracting the attention of the audience. Sun Jianlin's paintings take the traditional style of painting with tradition.

The painting and calligraphy exhibition also exhibited the works of the calligraphy and painting artist Li Yongsheng and Mao Zenglin, a landscape painter, also have their own characteristics. Li Yongsheng's paintings are well versed in the beauty of Chinese calligraphy and painting. The strong place is wonderful but not stagnant. In recent years, Li Yongsheng's calligraphy and painting works have been collected by various art museums, collectors, and calligraphy enthusiasts at home and abroad. His work "High" was sold for 17,900 euros in the "China Europe International" auction, creating a new high of contemporary ink and ink Zen painting in foreign countries. Mao Zenglin's paintings are entered into painting with Wei Bei's writing, hooking, wrinkled, dotted, dyed, and made in one go, forming a unique "Maoist" landscape style. French American Association Chairman Michelle Kim once used Mao Zenglin's paintings to "Chinese Symphony."

On the morning of July 17th, at the scene of "Meeting and Box ink -Contemporary Famous Master's Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition", it also carried out a special public welfare event of traditional Chinese calligraphy and painting tastings. According to reports, the youth special public welfare activities are supported by the Shenzhen Municipal Public Welfare Foundation · Salary Education Public Welfare Fund. It is collected from the society through online registration. Once released, the number of applicants will quickly reach the upper limit of the quota. Teacher Han from Wuhan Yucai Second Primary School Art Teacher Han, a professional guide for the children. Under the leadership of Teacher Han, the children, from the theme of painting, content from the strokes, feel the ingenuity of the traditional Chinese calligraphy and painting skills. "I have mastered the knowledge of painting and calligraphy, but also learned the traditional Chinese culture." Ms. Wang said with a 9 -year -old son to participate in the event.

"Opening painting exhibitions and appreciation activities is to cultivate the love of the next generation of traditional Chinese art, let art stimulate children and all of our love for the country, history, and life, and show our patriotic feelings." The curator Sun Yu Said that this is the second strategy in Wuhan. She will continue to do the public welfare undertakings that spread art aesthetics, and will continue to run unremittingly in the next ten years.

【Edit: Zhang Wenhui】

【Manuscript Source: Changjiang Daily】

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