Ukraine counterattack to recapture the first big town, Zerrenzki: It has been recaptured for 2,000 square kilometers, which is critical in the next 90 days

Author:Red Star News Time:2022.09.11

According to reports, recently, the commander -in -chief of the Ukrainian ground forces, Sielski, led the Ukrainian armed forces to regain Barakletia in Halkov, Eastern. In addition, the Ukrainian army entered the important military base of Russia on September 10, local time, and continued to advance rapidly in east of Ukraine. According to reports, the Ukrainian army has re -controlled Halkov's cities and strategic strongholds in Kippijesk.

According to CCTV News, the Russian Ministry of Defense issued a statement on September 10 that it was decided to re -assemble the Russian forces stationed in the Barack Leiya and Ijim region to strengthen the power of Donetsk. The Russian Ministry of Defense said that it had previously evacuated the troops to the front line of Barack Leria for three days to the Donetsk area.

Military analysts warned that Ukraine's counterattack was still in the early stage. The situation is changing rapidly, and it may change over time. Ukrainian President Zelei claimed again on the 10th that the Ukraine should be prepared for the difficult winter and added that the next 90 days will be crucial.

↑ Ukrainian President Zelenezky emphasized that it will be important in the next 90 days

Ukraine regains a "big town"

Russia withdrawing from Halkov parts of Harkov: Enhanced Donetsk's direction offensive

According to reports, 2 days ago, Caski, commander of the Ukraine ground forces, led the Ukrainian armed forces to regain Barakletia in Halkov, Eastern Town. It is said that Barack Lia is a local railway hub and can provide logistical supplies to the nearby Russian army.

On September 10, local time, the Ukrainian army made a breakthrough again, entering the important military base of Russia, Ikum, and continued to advance quickly in east of Ukraine. Subsequently, the Ukrainian authorities said that the Ukrainian army had recaptured the city of Kippyzusk and Ikim in Halkov. According to reports, the city of Kippiyosk is a railway hub to ensure that the Russian army supplies in the front line of the northeast of Ukraine, and Ichim is also an important base for the Northeast front. Returning these important towns will reduce Russia's military supplies.

The Russian Ministry of Defense has proven to withdraw its troops from multiple locations in the Halkov region in Ukraine. According to CCTV News, the Russian Ministry of Defense issued a statement on the 10th that the Russian forces stationed in the Barack Leiya and Ijim region were re -assembled to strengthen the power of Donetsk's direction. The Russian Ministry of Defense said that it had previously evacuated the troops to the front line of Barack Leria for three days to the Donetsk area. Cooperkov, a spokesman for the Russian Ministry of Defense, also stated on the same day that turning to the Donetsk area was "the established goal to achieve the special military operations that liberated Bath."

↑ The Russian Ministry of Defense stated that the Russian forces in Barakvlia and Ijim regions in Halkov have been re -assembled and deployed to Donetsk

Zelei: Rack 2,000 square kilometers

The next 90 days will be a critical period

Although the Ukrainian armed forces have made progress recently, Ukraine and Western officials warned that counterattack operations were still in the beginning. Due to the changing situation and the current results are not stable, the battle status in eastern and southern Ukraine is still uncertain. US Secretary of State Brosky and NATO also warned that the conflict between Russia and Ukraine may last for several months. The conflict is entering a critical period. Whether Ukraine can continue to gain the support of Western allies in difficult winter.

Military analysts also warned that this is a rapidly changing situation and may change over time. General Mark Milly, Chairman of the Joint Congress of the U.S. Chiefs of Staff, said that Ukraine has made real progress in recent days. He emphasized that Russia's supply line has become nervous, but Russian military manpower still maintains a significant advantage in the conflict.

Ukrainian President Zelei said on the 9th that since the launch of the counterattack earlier this month, the Ukraine has regained more than 30 settlements in the Halkov area with an area of ​​more than 2,000 square kilometers. But earlier on the 10th, he once again claimed that the Ukraine should be prepared for the difficult winter and added that the next 90 days will be crucial.

According to China News Network, Zeleiski said that it is impossible to end military conflicts with Russia. Russia must leave Ukrainian territory before it is possible to talk about diplomatic issues. At the beginning of September, President President Pesov said that it is still necessary to negotiate with Zellezki, and the conditions of the Russian side have not changed.

Red Star News reporter Ding Wen

Editor Guan Li Wang He

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