They were regarded as "anti -China outposts", they were uneasy

Author:Global Times Time:2022.09.20

Australian Broadcasting Corporation reported on September 18 that the original topic: Guam, the Forgotten Pacific Bar ball island in the United States, against China's new front line

With the concerns of China and the tension of the Taiwan Strait, the scenery of the Western Pacific is a picturesque island, and the United States is strengthening the defense of one of its most important military outposts. Guam, which is only 50 kilometers long and up to 20 kilometers wide, has an important US Air Force and Naval Base. This island with a population of 170,000 is the territory of the United States in the westernmost part of the Pacific. As competition with China has further intensified, the United States is strengthening its military existence in Guam. On this tropical island, the plane now flew out all day. The Commander of the Mariana Military Command Benjamin Nicarson said: "Anything happened in the region ... Guam is in a strategic position." This includes possible Taiwan Strait military confrontation. Hawaii or the United States arrived in Asia faster. But there is a major disadvantage of Guam -Chinese missiles can be reached.

During the Vietnam War, Guam had played a key role in the US Air Force bomber, and its strategic significance gradually weakened. Today, China's rapid military development is promoting the importance of Guam. The Anderson Air Force Base is located at the northern end of the island and is stationed in 8,000 soldiers, family members and contractors. However, the day of the bomber lined up on the apron has passed, and the United States' vigilance of China's growing missile capabilities has prompted them to adopt a rotation strategy. Other activities on the island are also strengthening. The 5,000 naval Marine team members are moving from Okinawa Base to Guam. The assembly also includes more submarines, ship maintenance facilities and the planned missile defense system. The Anderson Air Force Base Commander Paul Berch said: "There is a U.S. territory at this location in Indo -Pacific ... it means that we can maintain an air advantage." The United States also steps up lobbying allies, hoping to rely on China's economy Assist in the United States when conflict.

The U.S. military said that the base of Guam is a "rebounder" that projected in force in the area, but for who is a big opponent but is unwilling to say too clearly, it is obviously to describe the more specific situation of the description of the Chinese army in the sea and the air. Be careful. With China's strengthening of naval construction, the United States has doubled the connection of allies. Australian Asian warships are often visited here, and recently there are Australian fighters and tanks from other parts of the Asia -Pacific region. China seemed to have successfully tested a new high supersonic weapon last year. Chinese media warned that Guam was within the range of missiles.

Kennis Kennis Kupeper, a political scientist at Guam University, said: "In any military emergencies involved in Taiwan, Guam will be the most important gas stations, repair shops and logistics bases in the second island chain." People who use the island as a home are at a cost. Because more than 1/4 land was used by military, local residents were worried about the environmental impact of deployment of more military and military assets on the island. Dr. Cooper is a critic of the large -scale military existence of Guam. He said that this means that the indigenous people on the island's Chamomer want to follow Washington. It was regarded as the tip of (anti -China) spear, which disturbed the residents on the island. Cooper said: "A little careless when the sword is tense, Guam may be the first place to be attacked."

Author Bill Bottls et al.

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