After Putin said, the Minister of Defense of Russia: "The real time for the real war has arrived" with the West and NATO

Author:Red Star News Time:2022.09.21

At 9 am on September 21, Moscow time, after "looking forward" in Russia and the world, Russian President Putin officially gave a video speech to the country on Russia and Ukraine, announcing some military mobilization. According to reports, this is the first national speech since Putin announced on February 24 that it has announced its global attention after the special military operations have launched special military operations. (Click to view → order to mobilize 300,000 preparatory forces in Russia and Ukraine, which information did Putin speak for the first time?) What information did it release?)

Just after Putin's 15 -minute speech, Russian Defense Minister Shoigugu immediately delivered a speech. In his speech, he said that the Western Command composed of 150 military experts was actually stationed in Kyiv's "command and combat", "we really arrived with the entire Western country and NATO war."

At the time of such a "tension of swords," Russian President and Minister of Defense have delivered important speeches one after another?

Minister of Defense:

"The real moment of war has arrived" with the West and NATO

Putin's speech on Wednesday announced that Russia will conduct some military mobilization from the 21st. Russian reserve soldiers who have served in the armed forces and have certain military majors and related experience will be recruited to join the army.

Subsequently, Shaygu added in his speech that about 300,000 Russian reserve soldiers were called to join the army. He then added that Russia's total mobilization resources were close to 25 million, and only slightly more than 1%of resources would be affected by this mobilization.

↑ Russian President Putin delivered a national TV speech

According to reports, Putin believes that the current decision is "fully enough to cope with the threat facing Russia. In his speech, he said, "The purpose of the West is to weaken, isolated Russia and eventually destroy Russia." The West clamored that "in 1991 can let the Soviet Union disintegrate, then it is time for Russia to disintegrate."

In a subsequent speech, Shaygu said that a "Western Command" consisting of 150 military experts is currently stationed in Kyiv, Ukraine, and is responsible for directing all affairs and actions against Russia. Western countries not only provide a large number of weapons to Ukraine, but also important military resources such as communication systems. He said that there were more than 70 military satellites and more than 200 civilian satellites in NATO are "fighting Russia."

"Here, I have to emphasize that today we are not fighting against Ukraine and Ukraine, but we are fighting the entire Western country," said Shaygu. He also said that Russia and the entire Western country and NATO "the real time has arrived."

↑ Russian Minister of Defense Shogu

The referendum entered the Russian land is about to open

Russian action continues

According to reports, after the four Ukrainian places announced that it would open the Russian referendum this Friday, President Ukradiski's office responded to this: "The referendum will make the minimum possibility of ending the Russian and Ukraine conflict through diplomatic methods to become the most likely to turn into the Russian -Ukraine conflict to become the most likely to turn into the Russian -Ukraine conflict. Black. "Western media pointed out that the public investment in Ukraine's four places" is a challenge to the West, which may make the conflict sharply upgrade. "

On Wednesday morning, President Ukradiski said in a video speech: "The situation on the front line clearly states that the initiative belongs to Ukraine." He also added that Ukraine's position will not change due to Russia's "some noise". Ukraine Foreign Minister Coleba also said in social media that "fake referendum" will not change anything, and the same is the same as mixing the "mobilization order".

↑ Ukrainian President Zelei

Earlier on the 20th, the vice chairman of the Russian Federal Security Conference, Modewev, said that the "all self -defense forces" after the referendum will be used to protect the "Russian territory". Some analysts said that these words are implying that the situation in Ukraine may be upgraded.

On the same day, the Russian National Duma passed a bill to introduce the concepts of "mobilization", "martial law", "wartime" and "armed conflict" into Russian criminal law. According to the amendment, the reserve Russian citizens who have been called for enlisted will be the same as the contractor and the enlistment of the enlisted.

↑ Russian soldiers who are performing mission at the inspection station

According to CCTV news reports, the bill also aggravated punishment measures for certain criminal acts in the national mobilization and wartime conditions. The behavior will be sentenced to less than 15 years in prison. In addition, under the circumstances of martial law, wartime, armed conflict or combat, the subordinate to obey the order and refuse to participate in military or combat operations, and will be sentenced to less than 3 years in prison. If the consequences are serious, the maximum sentence can reach 10 years.

Russia or announced the "martial law" in the border area

New tactics will be adopted for Wu special military operations

It is reported that the movement of Russia at such a critical moment has further triggered a speculation of Russia's national recruitment. Andre Caltaplov, chairman of the Russian Duma National Defense Commission, said that Russia will not be mobilized, but at the same time, it is possible to implement martial law in some border areas that borders Ukraine. During the Second Chechen War, we announced martial law in Stake Ropolopol in the border area. At that time, all rights in the region will be completely transferred to the military and political authorities. "

In addition, Moscow Mayor Sobyaning said that the Moscow government will set up a recruitment office at the Saharawald Immigration Center to assist the Russian Ministry of Defense to organize foreign citizens into the army.Earlier, Russia has simplified the procedures for obtaining the identity of foreign citizens in service, and foreigners who signed a year contract with the Russian Ministry of Defense will be able to quickly obtain a Russian passport.↑ Chechen leader Kadrov

On the 20th, Chechen leader Cadrov said that he would adopt new tactics in the special military operations of Wu.He revealed that Magdam Dorov, the head of the special military operation headquarters of the special military operation headquarters, discussed all the details of the transition to the new tactical method.

"We won't be busy with them anymore," Cadrov said on social media.He said that compared with the new tactics, all the previous actions were "naive pranks".He urged Ukrainian armed elements to prepare for this and say "the enemy will face the serious consequences of new tactics."

Red Star News reporter Xu Hui

Editor Guan Li Guo Yu

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