270 prisoners of war in Russia and Ukraine, including the officer of the African Camp for Ukrada

Author:Report Time:2022.09.23

Russia reported on the 22nd that the Russian army had launched a blow to the Elite Force in Halkov in the past day and destroyed the "Heman" multi -tube rockets and other equipment. Ukraine stated that the Ukraine repelled the Russian army in the northeast, while continuing to combat Russia's logistics supplies such as logistics supplies in the southern front.

Russian Ministry of Defense spokesman Konashenkov reported on the 22nd that in the northeast region, the Russian Air Heavenly Army conducted a crackdown on the 93rd mechanized travel of the Ukraine Elite of Halkov, destroying the "Hemamas" multi -tube rocket launchers in About 20 military equipment. The General Staff of the Ukrainian Armed Forces stated that the Ukrainian army had repelled the attack on the Russian army along the Oskir River near the Oskir River near the Curdisk, and continued to consolidate the front line.

In the southern front, according to the report of the Russian Ministry of Defense, the Russian and Air Force used high -precision weapons to conduct a blow to the Temporary deployment points of the Ukraine and foreign mercenaries in Zapolo City. Exemptation. Ukraine's southern combat headquarters said that the Ukraine continued to block the operation in the past 24 hours to implement a blow to the Russian military equipment, logistics transportation and command agencies.

Russia and Ukraine exchanged for seizure personnel operations

The Russian Ministry of Defense said on the 22nd that 55 were detained military personnel, including Russian armed forces to be released, and returned from Ukraine to Russia from Ukraine on the early morning of the 22nd local time. According to media reports, Ukraine also released the Ukraine opposition leader Medvekuk.

The director of the Ukrainian President's Office, Yeermark, said on the 21st that Russia released 215 detained Ukraine personnel, including officers participating in military operations participating in the military operations of the Mary Upolia Survan Factory. In addition, Russia has released 10 foreign mercenaries employed by Ukraine.

Reprinted: CCTV News

Edit: Fan Jing

Editor in charge: Fan Jiale

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