"National Fashion Show" sponsors Bai Mei delivered a speech, calling on promoting the spread of national culture

(Bai Mei, the sponsor of the National Fashion Show Source: Activity Organizing Com...

"Love warm ethnic minority girl" public welfare project on the "National Fashion Show" stage of the National Film Show

Energy China · China Development Network Communication Matrix (Communication Lei ...

Jiangsu Shengze Fashion Week sings the "good voice" of fashion

Reporter Wang Hongsheng □ Sudden Deng Jingmy country's silk culture has a long hi...

Mingchuang Youpin apologize again: To be the right Chinese brand to complete the "de -dailyization" rectification next year

On August 18th, the official Weibo of Mingchuang Youpin issued an apology statemen...

Officially opened!Just in Fuzhou!Last 4 days!

At 10:00 am on August 18th, accompanied by the Jasmine national dance performance,...

Is the correction of "three bottles of results" and the white hair product is "IQ Tax"?Drug Administration: There is no anti -white hair effect on cosmetics

Poster news trainee reporter Sun Yanxiao Beijing reportRecently, poster news repor...

Is Song Hye Kyo wearing the "Star of the Ocean"?

Song Huiqiao: Well, why isn't toy diamond a drill?Song Huiqiao's new drama killed ...

"Why is whitening failed?": Remember this set of whitening formulas, it is difficult to think about it!

related suggestion| Delay skin agingEvery girl has the potential to become beautif...

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