Agreement funds of 4.72 billion yuan Guang'an forward zone holding a light textile industry development promotion meeting and project signing ceremony

Sichuan News Network-First Screen News, Guang'an, June 30 (Reporter You Wuqiong) On June 29, Guang'an forward district held a light textile industry development promotion meeting and project signing c

He lives at 35m 月, and spends an extra 8,000 yuan to rent a villa every month, filled with antiquities

After the 90s, Huangshan guy Fang Yuesheng,He is an old thing enthusiast.From tens...

Leading home appliance ETF (159730) rose more than 2%, Cobos rose more than 7%

In the afternoon, the leading appliance ETF (159730) opened the market and rose over 2%. Among the ingredients stocks, Cobos rose more than 7%, Mars and German shares rose more than 6%. Hisense home a

Search 7 exports to endangered Aobankan furniture furniture

Data-version = 1 data-vwidth = 360 data-vHeight = 624 transcoding = 1 style = widt...

"Hui Shi Optoelectronics" completes the round C financing

36 氪 Recently, the infrared intelligent guide product developer Mianyang Hui Shi ...

China (Ganzhou) Ninth Furniture Industry Expo opened

China Youth Network Ganzhou, June 29 (Zhang Xinyuan reporter Deng Honghai) On June...

40 most artistic sense, family life moment

Family photography is a daily family life that is originally rare, which is very v...

Guidelines for preventing and controlling and controlling the business field | Home appliance repair industry epidemic prevention guidelines

In order to effectively prevent the risk of epidemic disseminationScience, precisi...

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