[Ji Shi · Say] The 18th "China Prevention Defect Day" | Prevention and treatment of birth defects Promote fertility and health

September 12 this year is the 18th China Prevention Flax Day. The National Health ...

Is it difficult to learn?Do not easily post the label of "learning difficulties"

topicDuring the summer vacation, the learning difficulties outpatient fire in Fuda...

Professional fetal heart monitoring can be performed without leaving home.

Fetal heart monitoring is currently the main monitoring method of evaluating the s...

Whether the children you raise love you depends on these 4 details

Author: Cola MomSource: Mom Holding (ID: mmbaotuan)Being able to cultivate a child...

Gulang County: Let children "have gardens, good gardens, and good gardens"

Hundred years of life, standing in young studies.Gulang County attaches great impo...

Noon Fun 丨 Father's company!Dad uses waste cardboard to make a rotatable crane model for her daughter

Data-version = 1 data-vwidth = 1080 data-vHeight = 1920 transcoding = 1 / Dad uses waste cardboard to make a crane model for her daughter,The crane can be rotated,The overall system is very

The best support for children is: the sound of the kitchen, the incense in the study, the bedroom has something to say | select

Home is a temperature word.It is not only a place for our body to rest, but also t...

51 dolls have 53 cadre positions. The head teacher is too warm. Does it belong to innovation?

Should elementary school students be a cadre? Which students are suitable for clas...

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