Correct attitude to establish a conscious training ability to enroll in the elementary school must do three things well

Correct attitude to establish consciousness training abilityThree things should be done well in elementary school enrollmentWith the start of primary and secondary schools in various places, the prepa

Family education public welfare guidance: After school, wisdom parents chat with their children in this way

Please cherish the child who will talk to you nonsense, indicating that he is rela...

Building a strong service Dandong actively build a family education guidance service system

Reporter Yu Yu Correspondent Huang QinA few days ago, the reporter learned from Dandong Street that since this year, the Women's Federation of the Street has actively promoted the pilot construction o

At the beginning of the new semester, please help children develop these 10 good habits. Don't worry about the whole semester!

As soon as the school started, parents couldn't help but start worrying about thei...

Explore a new model of family education, Guangzhou builds a family education public curriculum system

Text/Yangcheng Evening News all -media reporter Zhou CongOn September 2nd, the She public welfare venture capital contest of Yangcheng in 2022, the Lide Shuren Children Yangcheng Family Education

Breast bruises in the twin belly?Doctor: How mouthlessly

The twins played in the mother's belly?Recently, the news of twins' bruises after...

The Family Planning Association of Sanzhouyi Street in Jinshi launched the "Sunshine Companion · Love in the Mid -Autumn Festival" moon watching activity

Golden autumn is cool, Dangui FragranceOn the occasion of the traditional festival...

13%of preschool children have been recruited!Be careful about this eye disease, which is more terrible than myopia, and it is easy to become amblyopia

When it comes to astigmatism, many parents are full of question marks:Is it severe...

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