Are you joking with the driver's life?FAW Volkswagen and Mercedes -Benz responded to apology!

With the advent of the intelligent era, advertisements have become pervasive exist...

Jiuquan Subei: Carry out the theme activities of "Happy Golden Autumn Kids and Fruit Enjoy Labor Welcome to the National Day"

Recently, the Youth League Committee of the Communist Youth League and the Junior ...

The habit of "drinking water" was related to this national movement set off 70 years ago | Share before bedtime

This year marks the 70th anniversary of patriotism. As our party uses the mass lin...

Reading Group Apply for registered "Reading Good Things" trademark

The science and technology corner material learned that Shanghai Reading Informati...

The county cadres of the county carried out the theme series of themes of "National Day, Du Chongyang · Welcome to the 20th"

On September 28, the theme series of theme series of theme series of the theme ser...

Hunan found a new crown virus without symptomatic infection among the long -term people from other provinces

Infected person: Zhao Moumou, male, 33 years old, reaches self -driving trucks fro...

Shanghai issued the National Day holiday epidemic prevention reminder: advocate citizens to spend the festival in Shanghai; Jing'an Sculpture Park opens the wall, open 24 hours from October 1 | Night Reading

Tomorrow weatherThe Shanghai Center Meteorological Observatory released at 17 o'cl...

Zhongyue Yuexiuyuan District resumed offline outpatient services on September 30

In order to meet the needs of the majority of tumor patients, according to the req...

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