The Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded to the Pakistanian shooting incident

Wang Wenbin, when the "International Food Loss and Waste of Food Losses and Waste of Food and Waste" by the United Nations: China has achieved remarkable results

QThe Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs news, at the regular press conference of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on September 29, the CCTV reporter asked questions: Today is the United Nation

@, Good news!Another people's livelihood project starts

The mountains and rivers and the livelihood, Sanjiang connected to promote develop...

The people's livelihood has a temperature, and happiness is more long -the "Extraordinary Ten Years • Finding 'Long'" series of comments 6

Editor's note:For ten years, Changsha's development is unusual. In order to welcom...

A positive sieve -positive personnel were found in Yunzhou District, Datong City

On September 29, the report of the Yunzhou District of Datong City found a positiv...

The 5th Expo China Merchants Road Show (Zhejiang Province Special Session) was successfully held

On the afternoon of September 28, the China International Import Expo Bureau and t...

Practical exercise ability to prepare ahead of time and protect Ping An | Jinchang Fire Fighting successfully completed the provincial fire rescue team earthquake rescue partition

In order to further enhance the province's fire rescue team to respond to earthqua...

Nanchang deepen the "city washing the city" action

In order to further improve the cleanliness of urban roads, effectively control th...

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