An first case of first sieve infection in Taiyuan Xiaodian District, Shanxi

At 20:30 on September 27th, the test results of the test results of the test resul...

What are the reasons for coughing in autumn, how much do you know?

Hello everyone, I am Gao Jinzhu, an expert in lung disease. Autumn is here, and th...

up to date!The three places implemented silent management, and 252 cases were associated with a home square in Tianjin!The National Day is approaching. Some scenic spots require visiting low -risk districts outside the province to "3 days and 3 inspections", and the Ministry of Cultural To

According to the National Health and Health Commission's notice, at 0-24 on Septem...

Nayong County's extended silence and control time of the county

Nayong County, Bijie CityResistance prevention and control site disposal of provin...

I have taken multiple trains, and Huoqiu, Anhui reported 1 case of first -sieve -positive personnel trajectory

On the morning of September 28, the comprehensive headquarters of the new crown pn...

Guangzhou yesterday added a case of asymptomatic infection, and the details were announced

September 27, 2022, the epidemic situation of Xin Guan Pneumonia in GuangzhouFrom ...

Epidemic report | Jining City September 27, 2022 to 24:00 new crown pneumonia epidemic situation

From 0:00 to 24:00 on September 27, 2022, there were no new local diagnosis cases in the city.Four patients with no symptoms of local infections are in the city area, all of which are detected in cent

Promote flexible supervision to help enterprises relieve difficulties

Recently, the State Drug Administration has received a sincere gift -a flag that was jointly presented by the Shanghai Daily Chemical Industry Association, the Oriental Meiyu Industry Promotion Center

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