Student science of the School of Instrument and Electronics of Central Beibei University won the collective

Author:Future Online Universities Time:2022.06.15

On June 10, the collective license ceremony of the March Eight Red Flag of Shanxi Province was held in the conference room of the School of Instrument and Electronics of Central North University. The chairman of the school's union and the chairman of the school awarded medals and honorary certificates to the Student Section of the Instrument and Electronics Institute. Participants of the Instrument and Electronics Academy attended.

Fang He Rong congratulated the collective of the award, and she hoped that the college would continue to work hard to strive for better results. She hoped that the winning collectives would give full play to the leading role, actively participated in the school's "double first -class" construction, and contributed to the development of the school.

Hao Xiaojian, Secretary of the Party Committee of Instruments and Electronics Institute, and Liu Wenyi, Dean Liu Wenyi, expressed gratitude to the school party committee and school union of the college for a long time. He also said that the whole hospital will take this as an opportunity to continue to carry forward the spirit of aerospace and the spirit of Taihang, and work hard for the school's "double first -class" construction business.

The award -winning collective female faculty members fully demonstrate the beautiful style of "not allowing the eyebrows", and use their enthusiasm and patience to interpret the spirit of dedication to love. Collective members have their own style, and hard work is the background. Persevere and return to the post immediately before the wedding; positive forgiveness is an attitude. The two major counselors' studios, "Heart -Langing", "Painting the Heart", and "Painting the Heart", are committed to the students' original intentions of the students' work. , TOP Journal Paper Author. It also shows the good spiritual style and excellent professional literacy of the female faculty employees in the school. (Correspondent: Wang Zhibo Ji Jin, Wang Zhibo, Central North University)

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