The "first lesson" of various primary and secondary schools in Altay City is wonderful

Author:Altay Rong Media Center Time:2022.08.31

On August 30, on the first day of the start of the new semester, in order to better popularize the latest epidemic prevention and control knowledge and strengthen students' ideological and political construction, guide students to invest in the learning life of the new semester with a good mental appearance. In the fall of 2022, the "first lesson" of the school will start the learning life of the new semester with a full mental state.

Stepping on the sun, Mu Qiufeng. At 9:30 in the morning, the reporter came to Altai Experimental Primary School. The school grasped the work of campus prevention and strictly entered the school. The students lined up in an orderly one meter line in order to receive the body temperature testing and submit the health code. , After verification, the guardian's schedule and identity can enter the campus safely.

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In the opening season, the prevention and control of the epidemic became the first theme of the school's "first lesson". Teacher Yan Jie, the head of the fifth grade class of Altai Experimental Primary School, said: "According to the requirements of the Education Bureau, in the first lesson of the start of school, to explain to the students how to correctly wear masks and use hand -toiletting solution, etc. Health habits, improve self -protection capabilities. "

In the boarding school in Awei Beach Town, the teacher associates patriotic education, heroic models, and other deeds. By telling stories and watching videos, the majority of students have the deeds and examples of the heroes and examples of the spirit of the heroes. Students really shoulders the sense of mission and responsibility of "not bearing the times and sharing Shaohua", and more clearly clarify their future learning goals, and improve their patriotic enthusiasm.

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"In order to welcome the return of the children, we do a good job of mobilizing the school to ensure that various tasks are carried out solid and effective. Before the start of school, we held a new semester work conference. The focus of work and efforts is determined to use 'patriotic education' as the big theme of the first lesson. "Said Liu Yongqin, secretary of the party branch and principal of the boarding school in Awei Beach Town.

If the young man is strong, Guoqiang. The theme education activity of the first course of the start of Altai Central Primary School officially started. In the classroom, the class teachers of each class conducted cases to warn students for the prevention and control of epidemic prevention and control, campus, transportation, diet, and drowning. The actual situation of the school and the characteristics of the students' own characteristics explain the importance of safety.

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Liu Xinghao, deputy director of the Education Bureau of Altay, said: "The order of schools in various schools in our city is well -organized. Teachers and students will enter the work and study of the new semester with full enthusiasm and new spirit. , Kindergarten ’s opening season safety guarantee, epidemic prevention and control, after -school service and other tasks conduct key inspections to ensure that teachers and students study and work in a healthy, safe education and teaching environment." Kurman's internship reporter Purguli Teller Duke)

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