Breeze and drizzle to welcome the students to the future with their dreams

Author:Leshan Published Time:2022.09.01

Leshan News Network (Reporter Xu Zisheng) was welcoming the new one year.On September 1, the autumn wind was accompanied by drizzle, and with the expectations of the new semester, students from Leshan Experimental Primary School walked into the campus.The school's tree -lined road is full of laughter.Under the earnest eyes of the teachers, the students set foot on the first lesson of school.

"Welcome to the Experimental Primary School!" The "Welcome Team" composed of the young pioneers is waiting for the first -year freshman at the school gate.They took the new classmates' hands and shoulders into the campus, familiar with the environment, knew the classroom, and sent blessings and encouragement.

Subsequently, in the classroom, teachers conducted training and education on new students around etiquette education, safety education, and class discipline.The senior classmates read the new textbooks with interest.

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