Xuan Ling Elementary School: Blessings for the start of school gifts for students

Author:Linzi released Time:2022.09.02

Xuan Ling Elementary School organized a school gift in the class.Primary school students crossed the "quit arrogance and irritability" flames in turn, and touched the fruit of "smart and smart".The teacher also gave the milk, pencil, and greeting card as a starting gift.

Xuanling Elementary School Student Shan Liwen: It feels like it is in the holidays today. Such classrooms make us surprised and happy. In the new semester, I will cherish time, study hard, and be a young gentleman who knows how to be grateful and loves the motherland.Essence

Xuan Ling Elementary School student Wu Manxi: After a long summer vacation, I miss the teacher and classmates, thank the teachers and parents for the surprise for us. I will study hard in the new semester and strive to be a good boy in the new era. I love my school.Essence

After the opening ceremony, the teacher brought the "first lesson" to the students around the "ideal belief".The students swore together and determined to contribute to the motherland.

Xuan Ling Primary School teacher Yu Hongchen: Life needs a sense of ritual, and education needs a sense of ritual. I hope that each child will sail in our small classroom and move towards the updated chapter.

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