Is it difficult for children to write a boss?He has the ultimate solution!

Author:China Renmin University Press Time:2022.09.02

God knows why the pain of writing compositions at the beginning, after having a child, have to experience it again -the kind of upgrade.

In the summer vacation, the baby's composition must be left to the last item. "My Summer Life", it seems that it is only two months after the pen, and it is suspected of lying to the teacher.

It's not just the summer vacation, a short weekend, checking homework on Sunday, and when asked, it is bound to be composition. Even if it is delayed, when "conceived", people hummed, moaning without illness, and magic sound.

Image source/UNSPLASH

It can be written for the flowing account, which is pretty good. Although they are all the same beginning: "One day ..." "I think of one day ..." "That day ..."

Next, you can see the fixed format, "What do you do and what do I say"? A few words, the bland and boring life jumped on the paper.

If the child is in a good mood one day and put on a "serious cope" posture, you know: the suffering is coming again.

Newton was smashed by apples again and again. Mrs. Juri was always refined in the pillar asphalt residue. The looming family could only appear in the case of being sick, my father and mother spent money, and worried.

Why is it so difficult to write? Intersection

"Home Have Children" stills

Is the child not read enough?

You must have a say in this question. 95%of parents have read more books than their children. But now let you write something out, do you still scratch your head? The problem is not reading.

Still a good word and good sentence?

Now there are some so -called writing secrets that will directly provide "vocabulary" and "advanced vocabulary". Turning his mother tongue into a foreign language that needs to memorize words. Is this really a way to improve the composition?

"Dragon Sakura" stills

Or do children not like Chinese lessons? I hate writing from the heart?

If the child has desire to express, and after school, there are endless words to say that whether it is to you or a little friend, then the baby will not really hate writing -because writing is the same as speaking.

Writing is essentially to express your understanding and emotions in words in words.

In the final analysis, the child becomes a "difficulty of composition".

How to let children sort out their ideas and write composition smoothly?

In order to solve the many troubles of your parents, Sanlianzhong Reading and Renmin University of China Press jointly invited Ding Yin (Teacher Ding Ding), who has been the judge of the International Composition Competition for many years, and set up "Creative Writing Training Camp for Children".

As a popular author, Teacher Ding Ding is the golden signboard of the National People's Congress known for his "Publishing Boutique Textbooks". He has a wealth of teaching experience, and has a wealth of teaching experience. He corrects many teachers and parents and has the wrong understanding of children's writing. Many adults first realize that "what is good children's writing" for the first time.

In the classroom, Teacher Ding Ding will from emotional thinking to rational thinking to divergent thinking, and to enhance the children's underlying logic in all aspects.

Training emotional thinking: Use eyes, hands, ears, nose, mouth, mobilize five senses of vision, touch, hearing, smell, and taste, and feel outside things. Such as: the flowers smell fragrant, the sky looks blue, the stone feels hard, and the watermelon tastes sweet ...

Teacher Ding Ding believes: "The basis of composition is to learn to observe and truly open the five senses." In the classroom, no students can read the essays and recite the beauty sentences, and they will see that Teacher Ding Ding holds a "five sensation turntable", Teach children how to mobilize emotional thinking and describe apples everywhere in life.

"Eye: My apple is red, all of them. Hands: Touch it, it's smooth, just like touching a round ball. Nose: smell a smell, you can smell a fragrance. : As soon as your mouth bite, the sweet juice comes out. Ear: Ears can still hear the sound of eating apples. "

Training rational thinking: rational thinking is also known as logical thinking, which can observe, compare, analyze, comprehensive, abstract and summarize things on things or problems. For example, the events that have happened in the past should be systematic and comprehensive; when writing, the primary and second events should be divided to avoid the articles from caught the focus.

When Teacher Ding Ding teaches children to write a narrative, they will teach children how to "play back" the past in their minds and let the children remember the details of the past.

In addition, Teacher Ding Ding also vividly uses a positive pyramid graphic to express the structure of the article, help children understand the idea and storyline, write one person, one person, two or three things, and avoid children from writing, chaotic ideas, and running questions.

Training Divergent thinking: Divergent thinking, also known as radiation thinking, means that the brain proceeds from one goal to proliferate. It is a comprehensive psychological activity that needs to mobilize sensibility and rational thinking to find the commonality and connection between two different things. For example, people are anthropomorphic to make the rigid object lifelike: my basketball has a strong temper and is always angry.

During the course, Teacher Ding Ding taught the children how to reasonably associate it, write the items to live, give an object character, and write down the story between themselves and it. Writing ideas are no longer "poor words."

"Goddess of Lost Name" stills

Through training three kinds of writing thinking, in the 38 -day course, Teacher Ding Ding taught his children how to write themselves, family, write things, and write travel notes.

The thinking map method can cultivate children's questions, reading ability, imagination, expression ability, description ability, and can develop children's structured ability.

What children have harvested are not only accumulated by composition templates or sentences that can only be applied to specific questions, but the entire system methodology that can be replicated and immediately available. It can think independently and systematically, and be used in any composition topic.

This is just one of the surprises brought by this course to children. In addition, the systemic thinking ability of thinking map cultivation will act in the entire growth process of children. It has benefited together, as well as the sensitivity of independent self -test, the logic of foreign language expression, the sensitivity of social science, the subtle observation of life and love, the persistence and longing for humanistic care ...

Say goodbye to the uniform composition template, let children learn to write, fall in love with writing, and gain the ability of independent thinking and systemic speculation. All this happened in the "Creative Writing Training Camp for Children" jointly created by Sanlian and the People's Congress.

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What are the advantages of creative writing lessons in this issue?

mind Mapping

Building children's thinking ability pyramid

Thinking map is an effective training method, which allows people to give full play to the ability of "association" and "imagination" in the brain. Prince Charles in the United Kingdom has used it to improve memory, and the world's Fortune 500 companies also organize employee system to learn about thinking maps.

In the training camp, Teacher Ding Ding will also use the characteristics of the mind map to apply simple and effective keywords, images, colors, and curves into composition teaching. In the inspiration and explanation, cultivate children's questions and reading Ability, imagination, expression ability and description ability. Then develop children's structured ability and eventually form a thinking ability.

System training mode

Not only improve writing level

The training camp not only covers the four main writing themes, including writing yourself, writing family, writing, and writing travel notes, but also sets up famous reading and mimics. By inspiration -writing -refinement -review mode, gradually guide children to expand writing thinking spontaneously, improve structure and details, and greatly improve writing levels and reading.

Accompanying teaching from beginning to end

Convenient for parents of parents to check the lack of missing and missing

In order to enhance the child's ability, the speaker invited the senior editors of Renmin University of China, senior editor -in -chief of the Sanlian, and the teaching assistant teacher of the masterpiece writing team.

They will comment and correct the homework submitted by the students to avoid similar problems.

After each class, the children will also take the children to review and write easy wrong points, summarize the daily knowledge points, and answer questions after class.

In order to ensure that they do not lose their learning tasks, they will also urge their children to learn progress and let parents avoid worrying.

Purchase benefits

Course Outline

class schedule

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Author: Chenxi

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