I learned that the loved teacher was left, and the baby cried all night!How to adapt to the new teacher in the new semester, the famous teacher to support the move--

Author:Yangzi Evening News Time:2022.09.03

"In the new semester, the math teacher in our class changed. I learned that my baby cried at home for one night at home." Parent Ms. Liu said that as a parent, she was also very anxious. I don't know what the new teacher is? Is it good to teach? Do children like it? In the new semester, there are many situations for changing teachers in schools. How should students and parents adapt?

Suddenly notified to change the teacher,

Students are sad and parents are also anxious

Parent Ms. Liu said that the child has been in the fourth grade this year. The math teacher taught for three years. The classmates in the class liked it very much. This semester suddenly said that the children were very sad. "To be honest, as a parent's heart, it was a little embarrassed. In the past, math teachers liked my son very much. I often said that the child was her pride. Once I also called her father to praise the child, saying that there was a solution of a math problem. . Her love for her child is overflowing. Suddenly changing a teacher, and the child has to re -adapt. "

"My daughter in the sixth grade changed to a class teacher. At that time, it was really anxious. In the key year of the last sprint, parents must be in a hurry. Everyone showed their magical powers, some search school websites, some inquired in private, some Baidu, looking for photos, looking for photos Find a resume and want to do everything possible to understand the new class teacher. Finally, a parent in the parent group said that the teacher had taught her sister before, and it was not bad. The parents finally ate a reassurance pill. " , Parent, Ms. Xu feels deeply. "The child was not adapted at the beginning. The original class teacher was like a elder brother, in exchange for a middle -aged teacher. But the result is not bad. This teacher is also a backbone teacher in the grade group, which is very experienced."

Speaking of the complex feelings of changing teachers, parents Ms. Li is very experienced: "In our junior high school junior high school, I changed 4 language teachers in three years. In the first year, Teacher Tao was very humorous in class. The children often laughed. In the ear of the parents, he said that he was in a mess in class, and he just driven him away. Later, he changed a Chinese teacher and only met the online parents. I don't know why it was transferred soon. A high school high teacher came from a high school teacher. , Daughter likes it very much, maybe because of insufficient qualifications, the senior high school changed another teacher. The children did not like her, and often faced her. The daughter also lamented: 'If Teacher Gao teaches Chinese, the results in the class may be much better. ! '"

How to adapt to the new teacher as soon as possible?

The famous teacher to support the move-

As a school, the change of teachers in the new semester is normal. How to make children adapt to new teachers as soon as possible? Xia Guangqing, the leader of the first moral education work in Nanjing and Xia Guangqing, Jiangpu Experimental Primary School, first told the children that all teachers are trustworthy. After changing the teacher, parents do not have to be like the enemy. They feel that the sky has collapsed, let alone pass on anxiety to the child. To believe the arrangement made by the school, we must believe the adaptability of the child. What parents want their children to get what they need to believe. If parents and children think that new teachers are "level", sometimes not the level of new teachers really does not work, but that parents and children are fighting all the education of the teacher in their hearts, which will eventually lead to the child's learning ability. "". On the contrary, if the family actively responds to the new teacher, friendly reminds, understands, and helps the new teacher, I believe that the new teacher will remember your "good" and invest more energy and enthusiasm for your child.

The second is that his teacher believes that the integration of home and school is the best education. Rather than worrying, it is better to think about the benefits of changing teachers. Each teacher has their own teaching methods. Some teachers are humorous and funny in class, and some teachers are particularly accurate. Some teachers have time and energy. This is the teaching advantage of different teachers. Only by trusting new teachers can children feel fresh and hopeful, and they are more willing to express themselves in class. Some children who are not seen by the original teacher, who have been "labeled", may usher in a chance to let all students re -understand their "counterattack" opportunity. What parents have to do is let go, and she is glad to accept the fact that changing new teachers and help children adapt to new teachers as soon as possible.

Third, parents should communicate with teachers with more friendly communication. "People know each other, you are communicating." Parents must find time to communicate with new teachers with peace of mind and calmness. Let's express your welcome and thanks first, and then let the teacher know which aspects of his baby are not adapted, and communicate with the teacher's heart. At this time, the most needed for the new teacher is understanding and recognition, and it will definitely be more attentive to your children.

Fourth, parents should slowly guide their children to learn to adapt. Some children, after changing the teacher's emotions, will fall down. Parents should accept such emotions, because changing teachers means the break and reconstruction of teachers and students. The smaller the child, the greater the difficulty. Parents should give appeasement in time. Starting from the growth of children, I believe that the adaptability of the child should not be over -protected, otherwise it will deprive the child's development of "adaptability" and "resistance".

Children of each age group will be separated for a long time or short -term, which will also bring psychological impact and discomfort. Smart parents always educate their children with the requirements of society and standards. The process of "not adapting" to "gradually adapt" is a process of slowly growing up and mature children. Sometimes, "adapting" to "time". Just like reading and writing, you need to take it slowly. After changing the teacher, it is not just your child. This is definitely or less about every child in the class. Many times, changing teachers is far from being as bad as parents imagined, and children are not as fragile as their parents imagined.

Yangtze Evening News / Zi Niu Journalist Wang Ying Editor: Qin Xiaoyi

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