[Grassroots dynamics] Guizhou multiple measures to support special education to develop until 2025, and the enrollment rate of compulsory education for children with disabilities reached 97%

Author:China Disabled Persons' Feder Time:2022.09.05

The "Implementation Opinions of the" Fourteenth Five -Year Plan "Special Education Development and Promotion Plan (hereinafter referred to as the" Implementation Opinions ") was issued recently.The scale continues to expand.

The "Implementation Opinions" deployed key measures for the development of special education, including continuous improvement of special education systems, enhancing the level of special education guarantee, improving the ability of special education teachers, improving the quality of special education and teaching, and strengthening the construction of special education informatization.Encourage counties (cities, districts) with more than 200,000 people to run a special education school that meets standards, and encourage conditions in regions to explore and establish a 15 -year consistent special education school connected from preschool to high school.

Source: "People's Daily" (September 05, 2022)

Edit: Bobenin

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