Fully strive to set sail to "New"!The Central Plains University of Science and Technology carefully organizes to return to school to re -school and welcome the new registration work

Author:Henan High Education Time:2022.09.05

From the summer clouds, the cool wind rises; On September 3rd, the Central Plains University of Science and Technology returned to school to resume and welcomes new registration. New journey, new hope, new glory, classmates, welcome you!

Back to school to welcome the new scene

There is a high degree

In order to strictly implement the requirements for the prevention and control of the epidemic and ensure the successful development of returning to school and welcoming new registration, the leaders of the Central Plains Science and Technology Institute attach great importance to arrange in advance to determine the plan. Work. On the morning of September 3rd, Shao Shufeng, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Central Plains University of Science and Technology, Du Jiansong, deputy secretary of the party committee and vice president, Zuo Lijuan, deputy secretary of the party committee and secretary of the disciplinary committee, and his party successively checked key areas such as the school welcoming and returning points. Shao Shufeng expressed his affirmation of the re -school and welcome registration work arrangements of the school's colleges and departments. At the scene, Shao Shufeng had a cordial exchange with the new classmates of 2022. Shao Shufeng encouraged the new students to spend high and down -to -earth, and welcome the new college life in a full state.

Shao Shufeng and his party checked back to school to resume and welcome the new reporting work site

Shao Shufeng (second from right) and a new classmate with a class 2022 talked cordially

Thoughtful protection is depth

In order to ensure that the epidemic prevention and control is in the context of the normalization of the school, the return to school and reciprocating work in the background is stable, providing an efficient, thoughtful, and intimate school experience, the school strengthens the overall coordination, and under the conditions of ensuring strict epidemic prevention measures, multiple measures are used to improve the school enrollment. Process and refinement service. Luggage disinfecting, measuring body temperature, checking the admission notice, ID card, health code, itinerary card, nucleic acid test report, the process of entering the school is methodical, efficient and meticulous, and fully build the campus epidemic defense line and guard the health and safety of teachers and students.


Measurement of body temperature, inspection admission notice, ID card, health code, itinerary card, nucleic acid test report


"Classmates, we will help you take your luggage." From the subway station to the school gate, from the welcome point to the dormitory building, the "red vest" can be seen everywhere on campus. In addition to assisting in carrying luggage, they also helped to guide traffic and assist students to go through the procedures for admission. Patience, carefulness, and enthusiastic services have won unanimous praise from students.

The subway station station is welcome to the students

Assist students to carry luggage

Declaration of youth is loud

Welcome to set sail season, when you re -learn to return. With the backpack, it is equipped with autumn, and with the breeze of September, the students have published their own youth declaration. Some of the students who have erected the school and their freshmen at the 2022 college also issued a declaration of school online: "Central Plains University of Science and Technology, I'm here!"


Online school declaration declaration

I hope that new and old classmates from all over the world, in the family of Central Plains Science and Technology Institute, Li Jianzhi, Zhan Hongtu, seeking truth, and dreaming, and live up to Shaohua all the way!

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