Teacher's Day Topics | Bacon Casting Soul Cultivation Newcomer -Fourth Model Model of Panyu District

Author:Panyu Terrace Time:2022.09.06

In order to deepen the "Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on the reform of the construction of teachers 'teams in the new era", vigorously strengthen the construction of teachers and morality, establish model models for morality, promote people's teachers' noble morality, and create good social fashion for teachers and teachers. Further enhanced the sense of responsibility, mission, and honor of teachers, the Panyu District Education Bureau organized a tree selection activity of the fourth teacher ethics in Panyu District.

The model of teachers and ethics has a strong sense of career and responsibility, dedication, selfless dedication, selfless dedication, and leading the work performance.

On the occasion of the 38th Teacher's Day, the Rong Media Center of Panyu District will launch a special report " The wonderful fragments in the story of educating people show their educational life and pay tribute to their educational feelings.

Contents of deeds, always on the road -remembering Teacher Shen Yongsheng, Guangdong Panyu Middle School

Teacher Shen Yongsheng has taught for 35 years and has taught for 26 years of graduation class. He never abandoned every student and ignited the fire of students with love. He has excellent teaching scores, brought out the Guangdong Provincial College Entrance Examination (2001), the second place in the Guangdong Provincial College Entrance Examination (2002), the first place in Guangdong Province, and seventh in the country (2001); Two times were awarded the National Excellent Chemical Olympics instructor (2000 and 2001); in 2001, he participated in the first prize of the first lecture competition in Guangdong Province. In 2008, he was awarded the first outstanding class teacher in Guangzhou. Teachers, outstanding party members.

Teacher Shen Yongsheng, Panyu Middle School, Guangdong

Breasoning as the foundation, bringing in a class with your heart

Teacher Shen Yongsheng was strict with students and poured into love. Class of 2021 High School (18) is his class from the first high school to the third year of high school. In the past three years, he has adopted a management model that combines quantitative management and ideological work according to the student's situation, and does not give up a student. Some of them suffered from severe depression in the class. Teacher Shen communicated with him every day and encouraged him to overcome difficulties. He tried to make him make more friends in the class and guide bad emotions. The student was eventually admitted by double first -class universities. Another classmate in the class, drowning mobile games in junior high school, and so -called "three chapters of the law" with parents. It is necessary to play at least one hour a day, otherwise you will not read. When Teacher Shen learned of this, he often talked about him, stimulated his learning interest, and arranged for him as a cadre. With the help of Teacher Shen, the student got rid of the dependence on the game, his academic performance made a rapid progress, and was eventually accepted by the Science Experimental Class of Sun Yat -sen University.

During the teaching, Teacher Shen paid attention to each student and actively explored stratified teaching, so that students at each level could "eat and eat well." For top students, he pays attention to explaining the connection of knowledge and using variant teaching to develop students' reverse thinking. For students with weak foundations, he pays attention to the implementation of dual bases, adopting operational approval, individual counseling, emotional encouragement and other methods to stimulate learning motivation. In the college entrance examination in 2021, the average chemical score taught by Teacher Shen reached 89.5 points (100 points).

Teacher Shen and his students

I have to be hard on the iron

"I have to be hard to hit the iron." This is the requirement of Teacher Shen for decades. For decades, he has prepared every lesson, takes every class, approves every assignment, and educates every student! On weekdays, he missed every opportunity to study in class, and used the "essence" of the learning income to learn the lesson to be flexibly used in his teaching. He actively strives for the opportunity to go public and district openings. In May 2013, several editors of the Chemical Teaching Materials of the Institute of Curriculum Teaching Materials of the Ministry of Education came to Panyu for a meeting and temporarily decided to listen to a high school chemistry class. I called Teacher Shen at 1:30 noon and asked if he was willing to report a class for the experts in the afternoon. Teacher Shen agreed without hesitation. At the feedback symposium after class, the experts gave a high evaluation, "Teacher Shen's teaching skills are solid, the grasp of the textbooks is accurate, and the classroom atmosphere is harmonious. The best lesson I heard in the south ".

Teacher and student photo

In recent years, in addition to the heavy education and teaching work, Teacher Shen has the courage to explore the new class management model. Through a series of innovative management, the teaching class has achieved great achievements in discipline and learning. If the 2021 senior high school (18) class is brought, 5 in the college entrance examination are admitted to Sun Yat -sen University, 14 are admitted by 985 colleges, 22 are admitted by 211 colleges, and the class of the class has been in the special control line. Line 61.2 points.

Text/Picture: Panyu Rong Media Reporter Liu Li Correspondent Fan Xuanzhuang

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