Linzi No. 3 Middle School: Tempting will ignite the dream

Author:Linzi released Time:2022.09.07

In order to enhance students' team consciousness, enhance the collective honor of students, enable students to master preliminary national defense knowledge, military movements and military skills, and promote the construction of good class style and school style. Recently, Linzi No. 3 Middle School held the launching ceremony of the 2022 freshman military training at the playground.

The opening ceremony kicked off in the solemn and sacred flag -raising ceremony. Participating teachers' notes, young pioneers team members.

At the ceremony, the freshman Sun Yujie, a freshman of the first grade, represented all the trainees to extend military training time and give a great respect and gratitude to the instructors who are about to spend the military training with our training! She said that the school organized this military training activity at the beginning of the school, not only to improve our physique, but also to cultivate our tenacity, perseverance, broad -mindedness, and hard -working style, and at the same time On behalf of the first year, she stated up to obey the order and obeyed the command.

Xu Fujun, the captain of the Qidu Fire Rescue Station, said that in terms of comprehensive promotion of quality education and promoting the healthy growth of students, military training has the role of other education and irreplaceable education. Don't be afraid of suffering, not afraid of tiredness, lead by example, do a good job of examples for students, and let everyone master certain military knowledge and skills, and develop a vigorous morality of soldiers.

In his speech, the principal Xu Jinkai expressed his sincere gratitude to the leaders of the Qudu Town Fire Rescue Station of Linzi District, which has always strongly supported our school's military training work! I also extended a warm welcome to the new students who just stepped into Linzi No. 3 Middle School! He hoped that the students should be highly concentrated on the training ground, listened to the instructor's explanation of the action carefully, meticulously completed the training items, and actively participated in various military training activities to ensure that military training achieved good results. At the same time, we must pay attention to the combination of work and rest, and relax, ensure health and safety, and complete training tasks.

Next, all the instructor will organize and strictly train in accordance with the military training plan, with full political enthusiasm, rigorous work style, the quality of the soldiers who are brave, influence and lead the students to temper their will, strengthen their health, complete the tasks of military training, obtain all the tasks of military training, obtain various tasks Excellent results. Lay the foundation for students 'lives and ignite students' dreams of youth.

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