How does high -quality learning on dolls last?The two famous principals suggest this

Author:Cover news Time:2022.09.07

Cover reporter He Fangdi Zhou Limei

Chengdu's primary and secondary schools have entered online teaching in an all -round way. From the classroom to the home, the changes in the education environment have made many parents worry: How can students learn the effect of learning? As the leader of the front line of teaching, their every move is related to the quality of their children's learning. Cover journalists interviewed the two principals, which gave suggestions from the school level and how the students' attention was concentrated.

Mao dan

1. The difference between online and offline is only the transformation of the media.

"As a teacher, you need to pay more attention to the situation of the other end of the network line, including the cooperation of the environment, desk, school supplies, and parents. After all, elementary school students are minors, and more need to help adults."

2. You need to pass the test lecture before going online.

President Mao took the school as an example to introduce the practice. She said that teachers can officially go online to give students lectures only after the inside -line test lectures in the group. Secondly, even for online lectures, teachers need to be formally costumes. The school management staff will observe the content of the lectures internal and records.

3. It is forbidden to use online resources directly, and the second development forms a customized lesson plan

The massive information of the Internet has long been rich in curriculum resources, but this does not mean that it can be used directly for teaching. President Mao said that the school is strictly forbidden to directly use online resources without differences. The online resources downloaded by teachers need to be reviewed by two rounds of content, and the lesson plan for students after secondary class preparation.

4. Classes are not simply put on videos

"Online lectures are not simply playing videos." President Mao suggested that the teacher's teaching can adopt online granting, resource pack self -learning, teacher -student interaction, and group interaction according to the characteristics of the subject.

"We encourage teachers to develop the online 'listening' courses, learn the form of 'radio', so that children do not have to stare at the screen, just like listening in the classroom, and learn with the teacher's voice."

Yang Jun, President of Tianfu Master Junior High School

5. Make virtual classrooms and strengthen conventional management

Before the start of the school, the teachers carried out online teaching courses, promoted online collective preparation, and determined measures such as teaching forms, lecture content, classroom management, assignment arrangement and correction, and after -school counseling questions.

"Although teachers and students cannot communicate face -to -face, they can communicate through online multi -frequency communication. The class will also carry out education summary every day, summarize class affairs in a timely manner, and solve problems."

6. How to concentrate on students?

Online teaching also needs to formulate class management regulations. Each class formulates online teaching class rules to fully mobilize the enthusiasm of class cadres and representatives. At the same time, in order to ensure the physical and mental health of students, the class can carry out eye health exercises and class exercises twice a day. Music, dance, art, computers, and labor courses are based on interesting activity content to achieve work and rest.

7. How should a teacher arrange and check the homework efficiently?

During the "online" teaching, the content of the students must do the topic first, and the assignment is uniformly arranged after the selection. In addition, after the student's homework is completed, the class platform is submitted by the teacher. The teacher is required to set up the time for autonomous answers every day and weekends. Students can find the teacher to solve the confusion as soon as possible when they encounter difficulties.

"You don't need to go to mechanical training that do not need to work, and the burden of students' homework is naturally light."

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