The article is on the cover of the top issue. His ideal is to become an excellent doctor | Academic Star

Author:Fudan University Time:2022.09.07

In the middle of the night, the laboratory of the hospital was brightly lit. In front of the computer desk, Wang Hai, the 2018 level of the Cancer Hospital of Affiliated Cancer Hospital, carefully read the related documents of breast tumors and actively find the solution to the disease.

Not long ago, Wang Hai innovatively proposed the bacterial metabolic therapy of tri -negative breast cancer from the perspective of the biological metabolic group. icebreaker". A few days ago, the 13th "Academic Star" special prize of Fudan University was announced, and Wang Hai became one of the winners with its outstanding performance in the field of tumor research.

Research results on the top issue to provide new strategies for breast cancer treatment

"If a tumor has a lot of therapeutic targets, then the doctor can have many means to play this target, but if these targets are lacking, it is difficult for us to use existing drugs to treat. It is called three -negative breast cancer. "Wang Hai said that in breast tumors, tricky tri -negative breast cancer has always been a difficulty in the treatment of breakthroughs.

In April of this year, under the guidance of Professor Shao Zhimin, the Director of Breast Surgery of the Incidental Cancer Hospital, Wang Hai published a paper "Cell Metabolism" in the top international metabolic school journal "Cell Metabolism" as the first author. "The Microbial Metabolite Trimethylamine N-Oxide Promotes Antitumor Immunity in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer")

From the perspective of the microbial metabolic group, the study focused on the clinical problems of immunotherapy, which revealed that microbial metabolic products oxidized trimethine (TMAO) can activate trimer of breast cancer anti-tumor immunity. Immune interaction networks have achieved theoretical innovation and concept breakthroughs in the field of tumor immunology, and provided new strategies for precision immunotherapy of three -negative breast cancer.

The article also boarded the cover of the magazine at the same time, and was selected as a selected article. At the same time, the relevant invited experts were issued by the review, which was called "ice -breaking boat for tumor immunotherapy". Based on the series of scientific research results, the research team applied for patents and launched clinical treatment trials to promote the transformation of practical clinical application in order to reverse the clinical problems of immunotherapy resistance to patients with breast cancer.

"Compared with other diseases, breast cancer is at the forefront of tumor research in the field of tumor research in surgical therapy and drug treatment. Many new treatment methods and ideas start from breast cancer." Wang Hai said that the study of graduate stage is for him. The new perspective has also strengthened his development direction.

Undergraduate began to contact scientific research, academic development continues to advance

Since middle school, Wang Hai is determined to become a doctor. In 2013, Wang Hai successfully entered Fudan University to study his first volunteer -medical major.

In 2018, he was admitted to the upper epidemic of breast surgery with the top professional scores. Since then, the hospital's laboratory has become his most common place, and he is often busy until early in the morning.

However, it is not easy to do a good job in scientific research. A study in the initial stage impressed Wang Hai. "When the epidemic in 2020, our research was still in its infancy. At that time, it was necessary to buy some experimental supplies, including some equipment, drugs and mice." Wang Hai said that it was difficult to obtain experimental materials during the epidemic, only difficulty in obtaining experimental supplies. I can do my best to promote this experiment a little bit. Fortunately, the perseverance of several months made him and the team finally achieved research progress, and let him learn to give up in scientific research.

Speaking of his own road of scientific research, Wang Hai said that the experience of participating in scientific research projects at the undergraduate stage is very helpful to him. In order to further understand how scientific research should be done, he took the initiative to apply for the "Wangdao Project" and "Friendship Project" in Fudan University's Undergraduate Academic Research Fund (FDUROP), and the research direction is tumor and pulmonary fibrosis.

"These projects give me the opportunity to try scientific research. Through a relatively preliminary model, you can simulate how to apply for scientific research projects, including how to write experimental plans, how to do experiments, and how to discuss with the mentor after the experiment results come out. The experiment failed, how to analyze ... These experiences helped me to enter the threshold of scientific research. "Wang Hai said.

In addition, he is keen to participate in various general courses, learn professional knowledge of different disciplines, and sometimes go to different campuses to listen to lectures. Regardless of the reason, he has learned to be interesting, like several treasures.

"The courses in liberal arts and philosophy seem to have nothing to do with medicine, but in fact it can help me understand how to care for patients and how to communicate with others; while science and engineering and medicine will have some academic crossing. I understand some basic theoretical principles in scientific research. "Wang Hai said that the extensive learning advocated by Fudan University General Education has given him a better understanding of many strange fields, and also opened his research ideas for him.

"My current topics will also involve artificial intelligence and deep learning, including some image recognition technology. The science and engineering course during undergraduate can help me quickly get started with related technical applications."

Affected by the mentor, try to become a good doctor

At the graduate stage, Wang Haishi Professor Shao Zhimin, an expert in breast surgery, and the rigorous academic spirit and dedicated work attitude of the mentor had an important impact on him. He also continued to spur his efforts in the direction of a good doctor. "Usually, Teacher Shao's clinic in Xuhui Hospital generally lasted from 8:30 in the morning to 3 pm. For nearly seven hours, Teacher Shao would diagnose and treat about 150 patients. Small bread or drinking coffee. "Wang Hai said that he would assist the instructor every Monday to carry out outpatient clinics. In order to see as more outpatient patients as possible, the mentor often sacrificed lunch and rest time. -2 hours of patients.

During the special cases encountered by the outpatient clinic, Wang Hai will discuss with team members under the guidance of the instructor; he will also participate in the discussion of meetings in the research group or department every week to exchange the latest clinical and scientific research progress; when he has the opportunity to participate in the operation, he It will also observe and learn carefully, treat each step carefully, and continue to accumulate clinical experience.

Since the epidemic in 2020, Wang Hai has only returned home once, and most of the time he persisted in the hospital. During this year's epidemic sealing, Wang Hai, who has passed the doctor's qualification certificate and accumulated a certain acute treatment experience due to the urgent need of doctors in the residential community.

In the face of emergencies such as diarrhea and joint swelling, Wang Hai will provide processing suggestions on WeChat in time; for some drug needs for patients with chronic diseases such as hypertension and diabetes in the community, he will also patiently help the other party register for distribution; at the same time, he will also be Assist the neighborhood committees to produce epidemic prevention propaganda materials and conduct epidemic prevention science from community residents. The neighbors also cordially called him "Dr. Emergency".

During this time, Wang Hai was actively preparing for his graduation thesis. When talking about future plans, he said, "I hope to be a good doctor and work hard step by step."

Payment: School Rong Media Center

Text: Wang Mengqi

Photo: Provided by the respondent

Responsible editor: Zhang Peilin

Edit: Ma Mingze

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