Heilongjiang Foreign Language College launched the "first lesson of school first lesson" epidemic prevention and control knowledge training activity in the fall semester of 2022

Author:Future Online Universities Time:2022.09.08

Learn new knowledge prevention and control and build anti -epidemic defense line. In order to do a good job in the start of the new semester, we focus on the safety education content such as the people of Lideshu, the prevention and control of the epidemic, campus safety, and mental health. Safety awareness, recently, the Student Work Office of the School of Foreign Languages ​​of Heilongjiang has carried out the training activities for the "first lesson" epidemic prevention and control knowledge training activities in the fall semester of 2022. The teachers and students of the school participated in the training activity.

On the morning of September 4th, Xing Jiaoyang, Meiyi Hospital, took the theme of "Promotion of New Crown Epidemic Prevention Knowledge" as the theme of the school's teachers and students of the school. How to do self -protection and other issues, and give solutions for the psychological anxiety problems of teachers and students in the epidemic environment.

Subsequently, Xing Jiaoyang explained in detail how to carry out health protection, how to correctly choose and wear masks, how to wash your hands correctly, how to pay attention to self -hygiene, and how to improve self -resistance. And call on school teachers and students to learn more about school -related epidemic prevention and control policies before returning to school, avoid contact with people on the way back to school, and improve their awareness of self -prevention and control after returning to school.

The School of Foreign Languages ​​in Heilongjiang said that in the future, it will continue to do a good job in the prevention and control of the epidemic and jointly establish a safe, stable and healthy campus environment. In this campaign without smoke, we must strengthen their faith and work together, with the consciousness of young people, the responsibility of the youth, and the common resistance of the youth. (Correspondent: Wang Shuo, School of Foreign Languages, Heilongjiang)

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