Shenzhen formed two major "Central-Higher Vocational Education Group"

Author:Crystal report Time:2022.09.08

AI robot competition players of Huaqiang Vocational and Technical School are trained.

In order to further expand the rise of vocational education students, a few days ago, the Shenzhen Education Bureau issued the "Shenzhen Zhong-Higher Vocational Education Group Construction Plan" (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan"). Higher vocational colleges lead the formation of "Shenzhen Western Vocational Education Group" and "Shenzhen Eastern Eastern Vocational Education Group" two high-vocational education groups, gathered a total of 16 secondary vocational schools.

Students from Shenzhen No. 1 Vocational and Technical School gain superb technical and rich knowledge.

The "Plan" pointed out that the group will adhere to the problem -oriented, demand -oriented, target -oriented, and result -oriented, strengthen division of labor cooperation, strengthen overall coordination, solve unclear development positioning of secondary vocational schools, poor connection between high and senior vocational colleges, absence of undergraduate education and education undergraduate education, etc. The issue is to promote the integrated development of vocational education in secondary vocational, higher vocational, and undergraduate levels, and promote the "going global" of vocational education standards in Shenzhen, and strive to create a world -class. Among them, on the basis of "2+3" and "3+2", it will carry out the integration of "3+1+2" and high school, "3+1+3" and high -profile talent training. Strive for about 3 years, build two groups into vibrant and vocational education groups that have a demonstration and leading role in the country, form a "Shenzhen model" for vocational education groups to run schools, and drive 6-8 vocational schools to create a national high-level high level in the high level Vocational schools, the overall level of schools in other group members, have leaps up, and become important platforms for technical skills to cultivate cradle, SME Technology R & D Center, Citizen Lifetime Education School, Vocational Education International Development, Shenzhen Vocational Education's high -quality development of vocational education And display window.

Jingbao reporter Wang Wenli Wu Jiali Liu Mengjiao

School drawing

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