Cai Qi visited and condolences to teachers and checked the prevention and control of the epidemic.

Author:Beijing released Time:2022.09.09

On the occasion of the 38th Teacher's Day, on the morning of September 8th, the secretary of the Municipal Party Committee Cai Qi came to the Capital University of Economic and Trade and Chaoyang Chuangliu Central Primary School to visit and condolences to the prevention and control of the epidemic. Workers' holiday greetings. He emphasized that teachers are the origin of teaching and education. We must conscientiously study the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's "Outstanding Teachers Program" teacher student student in Beijing Normal University, implement the fundamental tasks of Lide Shushu people, increase the ability of preaching to teach, and continuously improve the quality of education and teaching. ", Do a good job of students' healthy growth.

The Capital University of Economic and Trade is a high -level research university in our city. Whether the health monitoring service guarantee is in place, inconvenience of the nucleic acid detection of the school endoscope, and what the needs of teachers and students to learn and live ... Cai Qi asked in detail the implementation of the campus prevention and control measures, emphasizing that the safety and health of teachers and students should be first, and the epidemic prevention should be detailed. It is fine, actively find problems to block loopholes, but also care about caring for teachers and students, listen to their opinions, and timely solve the practical difficulties in life and learning. Subsequently, he visited the school history museum, inspected the results of the school running achievements, and exchanged with the teacher representatives, requiring the school to focus on the development of the capital in the new era, strengthen the construction of teachers, play the role of college think tanks, and create a "first -class domestic and well -known" University of Finance and Economics.

Dangliu Central Elementary School is a demonstration school in Chaoyang District. Cai Qi inspected the school's epidemic prevention and control, "double reduction" and other tasks, inquired about the work and study of the teacher's work, entered the classrooms such as art, drama, and observed the teaching of special courses. He affirmed the school's after -school service. He said that primary and secondary schools are a critical period for the formation of the outlook on life, world outlook, and values. We must continuously optimize curriculum design, enrich the supply of post -school services, improve the quality of school running, and help students "deduct the first grain of the first one of life in life. "Desment" prompts them to grow up healthy and build a high -quality school at the door of the people.

During the investigation, Cai Qi pointed out that it is necessary to adhere to the direction of socialist schooling, conscientiously implement the principal responsibility system under the leadership of the party organization, and put the construction of teachers and morals in the primary position, so as to be a teacher and behavior. Old teachers and backbone teachers should do a good job of "bidding bands", optimize the communication mechanism of communication, and promote the growth of young teachers. The ideological and political courses are the key courses for implementing the fundamental tasks of Lide Shushu. We must improve the ideological and political ability of teachers, and combine the characteristics of students at different stages to carry out ideological and political education. The seeds are buried deep into the students' hearts. Care about caring for teachers, improve the incentive mechanism, and let them teach books and educate people. The school is an important part of epidemic prevention and control. We must tighten the strings of epidemic prevention, strengthen the management of teachers and students to return to school before the school, do a good job of preventing epidemic prevention on the way, strictly return to school health management, improve the emergency response plan, ensure that teachers and students are healthy and healthy Campus is safe. We must care about the teachers and students, arrange campus learning and life, and follow the complaint against the immune -related appeal.

City leaders Xia Linmao and Lu Yan attended.

Source: Written by Zhengzheng: Liu Feifei, Wu Hongli

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