Duogang Jianye became a famous teacher, Houdebo loves Yingcai!He is the "Top Ten Graduate Tutors" in Jiangsu Province!

Author:Nanjing University of Technolo Time:2022.09.10

Duogang Jianye became famous

Houde Bo Ai Yingcai

Recently, the Provincial Department of Education has announced

The third "Top Ten Graduate Tutors" in Jiangsu Province

Professor Xu Shengyuan of our school was successfully selected


Xu Shengyuan, a professor and doctoral supervisor of Nanjing University of Technology, the head of the second batch of Huangdian teacher team in the national university, the winner of the National Outstanding Youth Science Fund, a special professor of the Yangtze River scholar of the Ministry of Education, and a national candidate for the "New Century Talent Project" The leader of the Yangtze River scholar innovation team of the Ministry of Education, an advanced worker in Jiangsu Province, and a prominent contribution of young and middle -aged experts in Jiangsu Province, the first level of the first level of "333 Project" in Jiangsu Province, and vice chairman of the Jiangsu Provincial Society of Automation.

He is engaged in scientific research, teaching and talent training in the field of automatic control, publishing 1 English monograph, published more than 200 high -level journal papers, and has been rated global high -cited scientists in the world for 8 consecutive years. As the first completion of the 2019 National Natural Science Science Award, the first prize of Natural Sciences of the Ministry of Education in 2015, the second prize of the 2007 Ministry of Education Natural Science, and the second prize of scientific and technological progress in Jiangsu Province in 2007.

Today, let's understand together

Teacher Xu Shengyuan's story!

Professor Xu Shengyuan is a postgraduate instructor in the discipline of control science and engineering in our school. In the past 20 years of the industry, Professor Xu Shengyuan has always taken the responsibility of "Lide Shuren, cultivating the beams of the country", and has achieved outstanding results in many aspects such as scientific research, education and teaching, talent training, administrative management. A large number of outstanding students.

Deden stands, and more jobs build industry

Demonstrate the role of examples

Xu Shengyuan's self -discipline and hard work

Often sighed by the people around him

He deeply realized

The road to scientific research is a difficult journey

Only hard work

Perseverely persist

Only a bit of harvest

Whether during studying or teaching, Xu Shengyuan was ten years old, arranging the daily time in an orderly manner, regular and busy.

In 2001, he went to the University of Elbert, Canada for a postdoctoral study. Because the rented house was far away from the school, he took the earliest subway to school every morning and rushed to the last subway home at night.

After returning to China to teach, his identity gradually increased, and the burden on his shoulders became heavier, but he still bowed on the front line of teaching and research. In order to have more scientific research time, Xingxing and Daiyue were his norm, and there was almost no rest. Winter and summer vacations and holidays.

The students often received the email he responded late at night, and the next morning, he saw his thin and tall figure appeared in the teaching building on time.

It is this self -discipline and persistence that has achieved his career and brought him one honor after another: the National Outstanding Youth Fund winner, the Yangtze River scholar of the Ministry of Education, the second prize of the National Natural Science Science, Jiangsu Province, Jiangsu Province Advanced workers, Jiangsu Province has outstanding contributions to young and middle -aged experts, and the first level of training objects for the "333 Project" in Jiangsu Province ...

Outside business

Xu Shengyuan also actively participated in politics

Confiner the suggestions for the development of Jiangsu

"A good person, in addition to maximizing its own potential, also drives everyone to seek happiness for the people, rejuvenate the nation, and be strong for the country." Xu Shengyuan said so, even so.

In 2007, Xu Shengyuan joined the China Democratic Promotion Association. In the past fifteen years, he has adhered to the spirit of "Gan Weizi builds a new merit", and has responsible for the duality of the Democratic Pacific Husbandry.

As a member of the Democratic Progressive Jiangsu Provincial Committee and the director of the Economic Work Committee, Xu Shengyuan actively participated in the political and legal learning and various conference activities organized by the Democratic Progressive organization. From 2008 to 2017, Xu Shengyuan also served as the Standing Committee of the Jiangsu Provincial People's Congress.

For ten years

He really fulfilled his duties

Enter the grassroots and listen to the voice of the masses

Actively make suggestions and proposals at the National People's Congress

Confiner the suggestions for the development of Jiangsu

Contributed to your own strength

Xu Shengyuan worked hard and worked hard. This virtue and sentiment deeply infected his colleagues and students, inspiring everyone to continue to work hard. The team with Xu Shengyuan as the leader won the second batch of "National College Huangdian New Year Teacher Team", and was awarded the honorary title of "Jiangsu Workers Pioneer" by the Jiangsu Federation of Trade Unions. Nanjing University of Science and Technology also established the "Xu Shengyuan Labor Model Studio" to promote and carry forward the role model for Xu Shengyuan.

Carefully educate people, teach with heart

Demonstrate the teacher's style

"Teacher, so preaching to teach confusion."

As a leader on the road of graduate scientific research

Professor Xu Shengyuan always adheres

Encourage and guide students to personal value

Lienly linked with the country's destiny

Not only did he study rigorously, he was improving, but also insisted on passing the attitude of seeking truth from facts and seeking truth from facts, and emphasizing that adhering to academic ethics and academic norms is the foundation of scientific research. He asked the students to be cautious about every conclusion that they got, and they must not be able to understand. For the student's paper, he will modify the sentence by word, without letting go of any inappropriateness.

Professor Xu Shengyuan's awe of knowledge, the rigorous and serious attitude towards academics, contributed to the field of scientific research, and inspired his students in a subtle way.

Under the careful guidance of Professor Xu Shengyuan, his graduate students can master the rich specialized knowledge during the school and have strong independent scientific research capabilities. This not only enables them to publish papers in the world -renowned journal before graduation, but also laid a solid foundation for their rapid growth after graduation. To this day, many of the students who have graduated from Professor Xu Shengyuan have made outstanding scientific research results and won national and provincial and ministerial science and technology awards. Scientific research is to better teach books and educate people. Professor Xu Shengyuan has always adhered to the ideological concept of "Lide Tree", and has always undertaken the teaching tasks of undergraduate courses and graduate courses such as "control thoughts and methods", "cutting -edge lectures of disciplines", "linear system theory", and adhere to the number of education and teaching. The front line.

For many years, he has adhered to the new student seminar of the "Control Thoughts and Methods", telling the contribution of Chinese scientists to the field of automatic control, establishing students 'national pride, and inspiring students' patriotic enthusiasm. He also actively explored the innovation and exploration of education and teaching methods. As the person in charge of the curriculum, he was selected as the "Basic Basis of Modern Control" and was selected as the online opening curriculum construction project of the "13th Five -Year Plan" Jiangsu Province. First -class undergraduate courses.

Spring wind turns rain, Hou Debo loves

Express educational feelings

Spring wind turns rain, the moisturizes silent

Professor Xu Shengyuan has always caring for students selflessly

Take the initiative to understand and help students solve

Various difficulties encountered in life

Doctoral student Zhang Zhengqiang could not report on time due to family reasons. After learning about this situation, Professor Xu Shengyuan comforted Zhang Zhengqiang not to be frustrated, let alone give up the opportunity to read blogs easily. At the same time, he reflected the actual situation to the school and actively helped him to win the opportunity to suspend the enrollment.

Chen Jun, a doctoral student at the key research stage, was hospitalized. Professor Xu Shengyuan went to the hospital to visit the hospital after his business trip went to his city to comfort him. With energy, we can better invest in scientific research work. The teacher's visits and encouragement gave Chen Jun's great confidence and hope, and also inspired him to break through many scientific research difficulties and make outstanding achievements.

When a doctoral student Min Huifang's paper was rejected one after another, Professor Xu Shengyuan had carried out patiently to her, telling her that there were many factors for rejection, not necessarily the problem of the paper itself and personal ability. Believe in yourself and believe that he can ", so that Min Huifang was greatly comforted and encouraged.

Similar examples are endless.

Open academic field

And rich research experience

It is indispensable for scientific researchers

Professor Xu Shengyuan attaches great importance to international academic exchanges, and creates the conditions for the latest cutting -edge technology and the most advanced equipment for students as much as possible for students. It provides opportunities for exchanges between top experts and scholars such as academicians and other domestic and foreign control fields. Go to a well -known university abroad to exchange and study.

He strives for resources for students, and actively helps graduate students to contact international cooperative mentors to set up bridges for visiting academic visits abroad. Over the years, more than 30 of the doctoral students trained have experienced overseas visits abroad, accounting for more than half of the total number of doctoral students.

In addition, he also actively supports students to apply for provincial and school -level scientific research projects, and more than ten people have been approved by Jiangsu Province's graduate scientific research and practice innovation projects. Through writing project applications and carrying out project research, students are familiar with the research background and methods of the subject, and deeply understand the scientific research value of the topic, thereby enhancing the ability and self -confidence of independent scientific research work, and opening the road to scientific research independently after graduation.

In the past two decades, Professor Xu Shengyuan has trained more than 60 post -doctoral students and doctoral students, 5 of which have become global highly cited scientists, 4 people have grown into national "four youths" talents. Nominated the paper award for 100 outstanding doctoral dissertations across the country, seven people won the Jiangsu Province Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Award, and more than 10 people were approved by Jiangsu Province's graduate scientific research and practice innovation project project.

Teacher ethics, learning style

Is a culture

It is a kind of inheritance

Today, these doctoral students have grown into backbone for many universities and enterprise units. On the road to nurturing British talents, Professor Xu Shengyuan's caring of caring and helping him deeply affected them, making them also care and care for themselves like Professor Xu Shengyuan.

The traditional virtue of tradition is the prosperity of the motherland

Yu Tao Li is in the world, cloth flowers are in the world

There are more teachers in Nanda Polytechnic

Like Professor Xu Shengyuan

On the journey of careful education and scientific and technological innovation

Write new glory

I wish all teachers in advance

Recommended in the future

Struggle, unscrupulous! Summer workers' summer focus on these things!

congratulate! Our school teachers have achieved great achievements in the teaching competition of young teachers in Jiangsu Province!

Produced 丨 The Propaganda Department of the Party Committee of Nanjing University of Technology

Planning 丨 New Media Research Association

Source 丨 Graduate School

Edit 丨 Zhang Kaili Chu Yifan

- END -

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