Notice on the arrangement of students to return to school in the fall of 2022

Author:Chongqing University of Posts Time:2022.09.10

About the autumn of 2022

Notice to return to school

All units of the school:

According to the current situation of the epidemic, after research, students (return) school arrangements in the fall semester of 2022 are notified as follows:

1. Come (back) school conditions

(1) In addition to high, medium, and low -risk areas, local epidemic areas (provinces, autonomous regions are based on prefectures and cities, municipalities are units directly under the Central Government), students from other areas outside the region of static management, temporary management and control are held for 48 hours. The kernel test negative proof, green Yukang code (back) school.

(2) Students who have low -risk areas and local epidemic areas (provinces and autonomous regions are units and municipalities in the district as a unit) within 7 days.

(3) Students who have high, medium -risk areas, static management, and temporary management and control areas within 7 days have temporarily relieved (return) schools. Essence

(4) Students who have symptoms such as fever, dry cough, fatigue, sore throat, smell, smell (taste), diarrhea and other symptoms are temporarily relieved (return) to the school. The school can only come (return) after the infectious disease is excluded and the school consent.

2. Getting on school time

(1) Senior grades outside the city arrived in school on September 17.

(2) Level 2022 freshmen outside the city arrived on September 21. On the same day, the online course was suspended, and the re -classes were notified separately.

(3) Level 2022 freshmen in the city arrived on September 24.

(4) senior students in the city arrived in school on September 25.

Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications

September 9, 2022

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