Is a doctoral hospital for the establishment of an agency?No.

Author:Journal of China Science Time:2022.09.10

Text | Guo Yingjian (Professor of Renmin University of China)

In the article "Comprehensive Research University should gradually establish a doctoral hospital" (hereinafter referred to as "Doctor Hospital", Journal of Chinese Sciences, 3rd Edition, August 23, 2022), I first proposed a comprehensive research type in our country in my country The claim of establishing a doctoral hospital in universities. This article has caused a certain response inside and outside the university, and there is any voice of agreed, and naturally there are sounds of questioning and opposition.

In this article, I will talk about this topic and answer the questions of some questioners at the same time, so as to further explain the reason for the proposal.

The premise is comprehensive research university

The establishment of a doctoral hospital proposed in the article "Doctoral Hospital" has a prerequisite, that is, it must be established in a comprehensive research university. At present, the establishment of a doctoral hospital is not applicable to all universities with doctoral points.

The so -called comprehensive research university mainly refers to the relatively complete discipline category, the large -scale running scale, the strong scientific research strength, and putting research in the same important position as teaching, and even the first place. The number of graduate students in the university is more than a strong degree of undergraduate students.

Most of the 42 world -class universities in my country are comprehensive research universities. The number of doctoral degree authorization points and doctoral enrollment they have, occupying most of the cultivation of doctoral talents in my country. But it is worth noting that there are only 56 universities in my country currently owned by graduate colleges.

As an administrative institution, the graduate school manages graduate education in colleges and universities. In addition to the huge master's degree and doctoral students, they also have to manage the same number of master's graduate tutors and doctoral tutors. But in fact, the number of graduate school management in all universities is extremely limited.

Taking the two top universities in my country's graduate school, Peking University and Tsinghua University as an example. According to data released by the official website of the Graduate School of Peking University, the school has more than 30,000 graduate students.

Among them, more than 12,000 doctoral students and more than 17,000 master's degree students, but the staff of their graduate school included only more than 40 people, including the hospital leaders. Tsinghua's graduate school is larger in scale. There are more than 21,000 masters and more than 19,000 doctoral students, but if only the staff is calculated, it is about 60 to 80.

This should be regarded as the largest graduate school in China. Even so, it is not difficult to see that it is not easy to take care of such a huge graduate student and their mentor groups.

Therefore, the establishment of a doctoral hospital in these flagship universities should be logical. In such a "giant" university, it should also gradually establish a third -level talent training model of undergraduate, master and doctoral students.

The purpose of establishing a doctoral hospital is to strip doctoral students from the "graduate training" in the past, establish a standardized and effective doctoral talent training system, and improve the quality and level of high -level talent training.

Graduate students are graduate students, doctoral students are doctoral students

Some people put forward the necessity of the establishment of a doctoral hospital: Isn't a doctoral student a graduate student? Can't the existing graduate school be managed? This question seems reasonable, because as far as the name "graduate" is concerned, of course, it includes "master's graduate students" and "doctoral graduate students". However, if you look at the name "graduate student" fixedly, it is a bit out of touch with reality; adherence to this concept is already behind the times.

In fact, in daily life, graduate students are graduate students, and doctoral students are doctoral students. For example, when a graduate of a master's degree says "I graduate from graduate students", no one will associate the possibility of "doctoral graduation" behind their claims; and a doctoral graduate rarely explains his education background, rarely Some people say "I graduate from graduate students", but they will say "I graduate from a PhD."

Although the difference between this name is a trivial matter, it reflects people's cognition, that is, as the doctoral group expands, the distinction between graduate students and doctoral students is getting greater. Therefore, the establishment of a doctoral hospital on the grounds that "the graduate school is not a doctoral student" is a bit old and out of reality.

Of course, we can also say that the name is not critical, but the huge changes in the number of groups under the jurisdiction of the "Graduate School" are not ignored by modern high education management institutes. In "Doctor Hospital", I mentioned the huge number of doctoral students in universities such as Peking University, Tsinghua University, Shanghai Jiaotong University. It cannot be ignored that they have more students in the school. The same is true of other universities.

For example, according to the latest statistics, Zhejiang University's undergraduates are 29,286, 2,5304 master students, and 15,362 doctoral students. Nanjing University, which is relatively small in the school, shows the latest data in 2022 that undergraduate students are 1,3350, 17201 masters, and 8,385 doctoral students.

In contrast, the schools of Renmin University of China are smaller, and they are mainly humanities and social sciences, but even so, according to the latest data in 2022, 11,705 full -time undergraduates, 11326 master students, and 4775 doctoral students 4775 people. It can be seen that the number of masters of comprehensive research universities in my country at the moment basically exceeds 10,000 students.

Some people may say that graduate education and management are still responsible for the college. That's right, but the college is only a grass -roots management department. All policies and management work with guiding and decisive graduate education comes from the Graduate School. In this sense, it is not easy for any graduate school of any comprehensive research university to manage more than 10,000 masters. What's more, the scale of doctoral students in many "double first -class" construction of colleges and universities are now increasing sharply. There are currently more than 17,000 masters at Sun Yat -sen University, more than 9,000 doctoral students at the school; more than 20,000 master students in Wuhan University, more than 8,600 doctoral students in the school; more than 13,000 masters at Tianjin University, doctoral doctoral in the school More than 5,000 students ... While the graduate school manages more than 10,000 master's degree students, they also have to manage more than 5,000 doctoral students, often stretching and unsatisfactory.

The focus is on improving the quality of talent training

As mentioned earlier, the purpose of proposed to establish a doctoral hospital is not to increase a institution and arrange jobs for some people, but to relieve doctoral education from the embarrassing position of "three non -reliance".

The so -called "three do not depend", which refers to the graduate school, college and mentor. At present, the graduate school system often has no time to take care of or it is difficult to manage doctoral students; and the management of college does not play a key and decisive role at all; simply relying on the mentor (including the mentor group) to manage the doctoral students, and it is easy It is impossible to guarantee the high -level training of doctoral students.

The doctoral hospital will unify and directly manage the enrollment colleges to guide doctoral education. Specialized, doctoral hospitals will definitely play an important role in promoting the high -level training of doctoral students.

More importantly, the establishment of doctoral hospitals will provide a more dynamic research environment for doctoral students, and will also make doctoral students have a greater sense of recognition. Compared with undergraduates and master students, doctoral students currently have the lowest recognition of their colleges and universities. This has a lot to do with their education and management.

But in fact, most of the comprehensive research universities have an excellent academic environment, top disciplines, excellent platforms, rich resources and advanced facilities, and of course there are various valuable opportunities. If these resources are integrated, doctoral students are benefited from doctoral hospitals, and they go all out to support their academic research. I believe that for schools and doctoral students, they will be a "win -win" situation.

Why do PhDs have become permanent institutions in British universities

In the article "Doctoral Hospital", I introduced the experience of setting up a doctoral hospital abroad, and specifically mentioned the historical and current status of British universities in this regard. In fact, the doctoral hospital has become a permanent institution for British universities. In addition to the University of Edinburgh, the University of Bath, the University of London, the University of London, and the University of Exter, including the University of Ost, the University of Sarri, and the University of Southampton.

In addition, many well -known British public comprehensive research universities, such as the University of Newcastle, University of Raftburg, and Probeus University, have also set up doctoral hospitals.

In my opinion, the reason why the doctoral college has become a wind in British universities is mainly due to the changes in its higher education in the following three aspects.

First, the number of personnel increases. The scale of doctoral students around the world has undergone tremendous changes. The number of doctoral students now has a great increase compared with the number of people in the history of any school; the increase in quantity also requires talent training throughout the process of changes from quantitative to qualitative changes.

Second, the training method is changed. Doctoral training has entered a platform stage that has entered the platform that improves the level of doctoral students as a conscious training model based on mentor -based and topic. Now, it is extremely limited to rely on the mentor to provide a doctoral student with a platform for doctoral students, and the times have reached the time when the time needs to provide more development opportunities and growth platforms for doctoral students.

Third, social demand has improved. With the rapid development of science and technology and the advent of the era of globalization, as the terminal stage of high -level talent training, both national needs or social development needs have put forward higher requirements for doctoral education, especially the training of innovative talents. The establishment of a doctoral hospital is an active response to this demand.

I noticed that among the universities that have established doctoral hospitals in the UK, the number of doctoral students in many universities is far lower than the number of doctoral students in comprehensive research universities in my country. Doctoral hospital.

In 2020, the Degree Committee of the State Council and the Ministry of Education issued the "Professional Degree Graduate Education Development Plan (2020-2025)" stating that by 2025, a number of master's and doctoral degree categories will be added in my country Further innovate a professional degree training model.

I think that in order to better meet the national strategic needs, in order to assume greater mission and responsibilities in the construction of the scientific and technological innovation system and the "double first -class" construction of colleges and universities, and to make doctoral education really become the training stage of innovative talents and high -level talents, my country's comprehensive research university should gradually establish a doctoral hospital.

(This article is a key project of the National Social Science Fund "Reform and Reconstruction of my country's Higher Foreign Language Education System in the New Era" "Project Approval Number: 21AYY016> Phaooded results)

"China Science News" (2022-09-06 The 3rd edition of the 3rd edition of the original title "Solving the" Solving Three "embarrassment, justice of the doctoral hospital") Edit | Ji Hongmei

Capture | Jiang Zhihai


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