"Happy Teacher's Day!" Today, Fudan students send blessings in 20 languages!

Author:Fudan University Time:2022.09.10

The wind in September blows through the campus of early autumn

Days that belong to each teacher

Coming in Guixiang

On this special day

As a student, there are too many things to say--

"Xinpan Cultivation Road, Youyou School Love"

"The teachers have worked hard during the epidemic"

"Thank you for the teacher of Fudan University,

Hard work and cultivation this year "this year" "


20 different dialects, different languages

They are all expressing the same friendship

The same movement in series

September 10th

On the occasion of Teacher's Day

I wish all teachers a happy holiday!

Payment: School Rong Media Center

Video material: Party committee teacher work department, college departments

Editing: Wang Yan, Li Xinyi, Cai Yanzi

Copywriter: Wang Yiyi

Responsible editor: Zhang Peilin

Edit: Guo Yiqing

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