In the past ten years, Harbin Institute of Technology has built a higher talent highland and more firmly.

Author:Harbin Institute of Technology Time:2022.09.10

The school's party committee has always adhered to the party management talents, strengthened political leadership, took the correct political direction of the construction of the talent team, thoroughly implemented the spirit of the central talent work conference, implemented the strategy of strengthening the talent school, and passed the 12th and thirteenth party congress through the school. Continue the layout, focus on the construction of first -class teachers 'teams to continue to deepen the reform of the personnel system, promote the implementation of the "800 strong men" selection action plan for the new era, and formulate and implement the "Several Opinions on Deepening the Reform of the Personnel System and Strengthening Teachers' Teams". Talent officers have entrepreneurial vitality, continue to struggle to build the Northeast Talent Highland, and contribute to accelerating the construction of important talents in the world and innovation highlands.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the school has added 422 national talents including 9 academicians including two colleges. It has emerged as a group of advanced models represented by the national outstanding Communist Party members, the most beautiful strugglers, and the model of the era model of Liu Yongtan ——

Academician Liu Yongtan

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and academicians of the Chinese Academy of Engineering

The national honor won by our teachers since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China

Some honors won by our teachers since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China

The collective honor won by our team since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China

2012-2021 national talent incremental map

Xinhua News Agency in -depth report

Comprehensively strengthen the party's leadership of teachers. The school party committee has established a talent work leadership group. The work pattern of the great teacher.

The school holds a talent work meeting

The first standard for morality in the tree. Improve the system and mechanism of the construction of faculty and staff's ideological politics, teacher morality and ethics, and organize the evaluation of teacher ethics through recruitment, professional title review, promotion and promotion, job employment, tutor selection, evaluation and evaluation, annual assessment, period assessment, project application, etc. every session.

Newly -enrolled teacher representative swore

Vigorously promoted the spirit of the "eight hundred strong men" who took root in the northeast, patriotic dedication, and hard work "as the core. Further guide the majority of teachers to strengthen the mission of education for the party and the talents of the national education, strive to be a "four" teachers, and strive to become "Mr. Big", vigorously promote the spirit of scientists, create more important weapons of the country, and cultivate more outstanding talents. Strive to take the new century -old and excellent roads with Chinese characteristics, world -class, and large -scale Harbin Industry.

Xiong Sihao, Secretary of the Party Committee of the School, presented the award to the "Outstanding Teacher Li Chang Award" award.

The principal Han Jie wearing the Harbin Institute's badge for the representative of the new faculty and staff and presented the "Liu Yongtan Biography"

Edited and published "The Power of the Earlier"

In -depth implementation of teachers' positions to appreciate the system, and comprehensively promote the growth and development of teachers. Implement the system of classified jobs and teachers' posts and appointment systems, provide talent to talent to match their duties, continue to create a working atmosphere of respect for talents, respect, and respect for creation. Existing high -end, core, and backbone teams. There are currently 468 teachers in the teachers and 431 teachers of quasi -job employment.

Continue to build young scientist studios and cultivate future "masters+teams". Guide to major national needs, select a group of outstanding young scholars as academic leaders, form a young scientist studio, and give long -term stable support and sufficient autonomy in accordance with the principle of "one thing, one discussion and support", and focus on cultivating A group of new academic directions, leading scholars and innovation teams. So far, a total of 135 young scientist studios have been built. The accelerated young leaders have been accelerated by the "one subject direction, one person" cross -integration to form an academic team of "one cutting -edge field, a group of people".

Professor Huang Zhiwei, an academic leader of youth scientist studio, communicate with the team

Implement the rapid response mechanism of talents, and precisely introduce outstanding talents. Focusing on serving the national strategy and school development needs, breaking the bottleneck of mechanisms, implementing the rapid response mechanism of talent introduction, optimizing the process of quotation, responding at any time on demand, completing the review as soon as 3 working days, and focusing on creating a "Harbin Institute of Technology Brand" that leads the talents. Essence Since the implementation of the fast -sounding mechanism in 2020, 117 talents have been introduced in 9 batches.

School leaders and high -end talent discussions and exchanges

Implement the "Pilot+Disposal+Shenzhou" talent introduction plan, and accept outstanding talents at home and abroad. In order to improve the talent post system, the school has successively implemented the "Leading Scholars" and "Sailor Scholars" programs, and the "Shenzhou Scholars" talent introduction plan. Teachers' innovation ability and international competitiveness. At present, the first 27 teachers have passed the "Shenzhou Scholars" talent introduction plan review.

International Young Scholar Shenzhou Forum

Continue to implement the "Youth Top Talents Selection Program" to break the ranking of seniority. Adhere to the "Breaking the Five Wei" and the "New standard", select a group of outstanding young talents under 35, and provide them with support for scientific research launch funds and settlement fees to help them pick the beams as soon as possible and be the protagonist. A group of teachers were appointed as professors directly from the lecturer, and grew into national talents in just a few years. So far, a total of 152 young people have been selected, of which 75 were selected as a national talent plan, accounting for 49.3%.

Talent growth report meeting

Continue to carry out the review of talents in teaching and cultivate high -level teaching leaders. Adhere to the "eclectic" evaluation talents, improve the classification and diversified evaluation system, pay attention to the effectiveness of the people, and open up a separate promotion channel for excellent teachers who are facing outstanding front -line teaching achievements to create an atmosphere of educating people. A total of 23 teaching professors have been selected, one of which are selected as famous teachers of the National Talent Program, 4 are selected as a teaching teacher in Heilongjiang Province. Five people have won the title of "Excellent Teachers in the Provincial". Open up new channels for promotion for scientific research to highlight the promotion of talents and create a first -class scientific research team. Breaking the "one -size -fits -all" standard of talent evaluation standards, the teachers who have made outstanding contributions to the research and innovation of major projects, transformation of major results, transformation of major results, and basic research and innovation are organized. Essence In 2021, 15 people were promoted in 2021, of which one of them was promoted to the researcher directly by the engineer for a major scientific research breakthrough.

Implement the "Spring geese talent plan" and run through the talent training and teachers' selection channels. The school regards outstanding young talents as the most important strategic reserves, establishes a pre -hiring system for teachers, and implements the "Spring geese talent plan" for doctoral students. Essence In 2021, 95 doctoral students were selected to inject fresh blood into the construction of teachers.

Principal Han Jiecai and young teachers discussed and exchanged

Implement the "Measures for Management Talent" and establish a team of first -class management cadres. In order to motivate managers' officers to start a business, the school created the concept of "management talents" in universities across the country, providing corresponding incentives to managers who perform outstanding managers at work, and provided a strong guarantee for the development of the school's cause. In 2021, the first batch of 25 talents of "management" and 66 talents in "management" were selected.

The school leader issued a certificate to the first batch of "management" talents

Establish a teacher growth specialist and talent service commissioner to provide personalized support for talent development. Establish a teacher development center to implement the system of teachers 'growth commissioner and talent service commissioner system. In terms of policy interpretation, treatment, humanistic care, and development of development, one -to -one, personalized related work, comprehensively help teachers' growth and development, help help Young talents worrieds after solving. At present, the school is equipped with a growth commissioner for 111 young teachers, and 42 full -time and part -time talent service commissioners at the school and college have reached 42.

Xiong Sihao, Secretary of the Party Committee of the School, awarded a letter of appointment for the representative of the teacher growth commissioner

The front page of "Guangming Daily" reports our school's talent work

Facing the future, General Harbin Institute of Technology has always adhered to the party's leadership, determined to take root in the frontiers of the motherland, comprehensively summarize the century -old school running experience, train, introduce, and make good use of various talents, create more heavy weapons of the country, cultivate more outstanding talents, write Harbin workers talents New answer sheet of team building.

Planning | All Media Center

Comprehensive text | Liu Peixiang

Image | Xinran expansion film

Capture | Liang Yingshuang

Review | Li Shoubin Song Ling

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